Chapter 1

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Hey my lovely little reader I just wanted to let you know that if you didn't read the authors note at the end of the prolog please do so now that would be helpful!

Hope you enjoy this chapter!


*click click click*
I smile a my camera goes off taking beautiful pictures of Niagara Falls. No not me the actual waterfall. It's so beautiful, this is the the best spring break by far! I look over to my parents and smile to them silently thanking them, then I continue taking pictures. I loved this I can't believe we are going staying in a hotel not to far away so I'm super excited. No bullies from school, no work! I love spring break, I love just spring time. This might sound weird but I love the smell of rain, I don't know why it's just comforting. This is gunna be the best spring break ever!

As I continue taking beautiful pictures and enjoying my trip, my first day of this years spring break starting out great. But I think soon I'll need a nap...

--------3hours later----------

1 tour
2 million picture and
3 pairs of sore feet later,
Me and my parents are finally heading to the hotel and it's about a one hour drive, sigh.
As I put my camera In my bag and put the rest of my stuff away I hope in the car and off we go.
Not even thirty minutes into the car ride my parents are listening to some random song singing and dancing in their seat... Like I said unique is the best way to describe them. I decided to take my camera out and look thru my photo and delete the blurry or ugly ones.

Wow... I took 438 photos. Well better get started
I started going thru the pictures deleting the ugly ones, the blurry ones, the weird ones, I was almost done when I noticed something in one of my photo... A....a boy he looked really familiar to...I was so deep in thought I didn't realize my parents we already getting their bags from the trunk. Oops. I put my camera away and quickly got out grabbing my bags and following them into the hotel, and then to the room.

It was pretty late so I decided to shower and change into my pajamas and head to my bed. I had a small room to myself, a door connecting my parents room and mine. I crawled under the covers after making sure both the door to the hallway and the door to my parents room was closed and lock. As I was finally about to drift into sleep after spending almost an hour of thinking I heard someone using a card to open my rooms door, then all of the sudden it opened but not completely because it had a small lock thing on it. The next thing I heard was a deep voice...

"What the fuck?"
I quietly got up and walked over to the door hearing the person sigh and mumble about their bad day and bad luck... I was so confused. I carefully walked over to the door closing it, then unlocked it and opened it look down in confusion. I slowly looking up to see a shocked and confused boy scratching the back of his neck.

"Uh....I'm sorry I didn't know someone was staying in this room, they gave me a card for this room...sorry I haven't had a good day..." He rambled
"It-it's ok I said looking down slightly, blushing a little but mostly my eyes widen when I noticed I was only wearing way to short PJ shorts and a low cut tank top. I slowly glance up thru my lashes seeing him looking me up and down smirking a little making my cheeks turn even more pink. Forgetting all my scars were showing
"So, what's you name little beauty" he asked smirking at the blushing frowning on my cheeks.
"Ni-Niagara..." Mentally slapping myself for stuttering.
"Niagara? As in like Niagara Falls? The waterfall" I played with the hem of my tank top well he talked. I nodded laughing slightly
"Actually that's my name, Niagara Falls." I said laughing while shaking my head looking at him wow... He is kinda cute and tall....and muscular.
He started laughing and I crossed my arms looking away from him. When he finially stopped laughing I looked back at him and he was smirking
"Seriously. Your name is, Niagara. Falls." He said laughing a little.
"Yes, my dads last name is Falls and my parents like unique names and things" I explained "so what are you going to do now" I questioned looking at the clock and realized that the front desk man has left for the night because it was already midnight.

"Well... If you don't mind I could stay here till I sort it out tomorrow."
My eyes widened a little and I think he noticed.
" if your uncomfortable I can go sleep on a couch in the lobby" he said grabbing his bag.
"Uh no it's not that" I lied, I was uncomfortable "my parents" I pointed to the door " there in the next room over...."
Now his eyes widened a little but went back to normal.
"So" he his smirk is kinda sexy, what... What am i thinking ugh. Stop.
I moved to the side making him room for him to enter "you can sleep on the pull out couch" I mumbled
hope you guys like the chapter there will be more soon!

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