Running Free in the Wind

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Nothing was more exhilarating then that first step on the Alamo Trail. I loved feeling my sneakers on the pavement and feeling my blond hair whip my back as I run.

The weather was cool, a prefect spring Saturday morning in San Antonio. Mother's and father's watched their children play and tumble in the massive grassy field. Slim fit men and women jogged the trail at individual paces and I was eager to join them.

I gripped my water bottle tightly and hit play on my iPhone making sure the volume was as low as I could go while still being able to hear.

Dad always warned me about listening to music while I exercised, and I always listened. The music was mostly for background noise anyways, I enjoyed hearing myself run and hearing how my body worked. Besides listening to your body is the most important thing a runner can do.
Everything was set so I began my run, starting at a soft steady pace as a soft breeze blew.

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