Ready to Run

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I had a steady pace going and was enjoying the sights as I ran. I had run past the petite gingered hair girl I often saw at the park with her book in her hands. She was pretty, like a story book princess, dainty and elegant. My cheeks flushed but I shrugged it off and ran faster.

I ran past mothers pushing their children in strollers. Nearly got tackled by some high schooler's playing flag football in the field and chatted lightly with a few of the other runners who ran in a pack. I broke away from them and ran solo for a while, pushing myself to go a little faster.

"On your left!" I heard a male voice call and a flash of neon colors whirled past me like speedy Gonzales. I caught a glimpse of light brown hair and that was it. The mystery runner was gone.

The guy was fast. Really fast and from what little I saw he had a good running form. 'Never seen him here before though, at least I don't think I have.' I had seen so little of him due to his speed that I couldn't be sure.

I was getting closer to the bench where book girl sat at and decided to take a quick breather and have a drink. I took a seat on the opposite edge of the bench from book girl. I opened up my water bottle and took a large gulp of water before closing the cap. I looked over to book girl and noticed she was reading one of my favorite books.
"Um excuse me... Is that The Necromancers Empire your reading?" I asked her, pointing at the book.

The girl slid her bookmarker to mark her place before shutting the book and showing me the cover. "Yes. It is. I'm a huge fan of Robert White's young adult books. He's my favorite author. The Necromancer trilogy is my favorite of his works." She explained. Her voice was soft and airy and fit her looks very well but there was a faint trace of an English or Scottish accent.
"He's my favorite author too." I exclaimed happily "oh I'm Tracy by the way, I see you here a lot when I run." I don't know why I was feeling so nervous around her.
"I'm Gwyn, its nice to meet you. You're a fabulous runner by the way. I've watched you run a few times before." She smiled, showing off a dimple on her right freckled cheek.
'Shit' I thought 'she's gorgeous, smart, and an absolute cinnamon bun. That's probably why I'm so nervous around her. Oh this is not good.' 

"Well it was nice talking to you," I said as I stood up and grabbed my water bottle "but I should get back to my run. I still have another two laps to finish."

"Wait," she stood up and grabbed my arm "how about after your done with your laps I treat you to a smoothie at the Tiki Bar? It's very rare I meet another Necromancer fan, I'd love to talk about the book with you."
"Sure. I'd love to." I replied with a nervous smile.
Gwyn clapped her hands together in glee. "Fantastic." She exclaimed excitedly "Meet back here when your done with your run and we can walk over together."
"Sure thing Gwyn." I smiled at her as I replied before running off into the wind to finish my laps.

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