Chapter 1

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   I think that I am ready to tell you what happened. I do not know if you are ready but I assume that you are. There is one thing that you did not know about Sam and Jake's Dad. Did you even know that they had a Dad? He was the little boy in the picture and he was the one that was the new force of time. Their Dad was a little boy when he was taken because of one thing that he had done, He had once taken the sap from the tree and made his own staff. The staff was made by accident it was made by hardening sap that hardened on a long stick. The stick that was the same stick that Jake and Sam had used to make their staff.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        The staff was used by their dad to use as a weapon when he played a caste game. There was a spirit in the sap that took their dad's body and then suddenly he was the force of time. Their dad tried to save Sam and Jake in the future, or was it the past? He couldn't remember. Anyways this is the story of what happened and how it happened

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