Chapter 2

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Many years ago their dad was sitting on his front porch, He went to the park in the center of the park and he found a stick with a sparkling plastic on the top, He picked it up and called over his friend Joe to come look at it "what do you want Jack" said Samuel. He finally came over and then Jacob was pulled out of his body and put up into the universe.

Jack was in the universe, with his body down on earth. He had to concentrate really hard so that he could breathe or talk. Eventually he found out how to posses his body for 24 hours, but if he was on the body for hours his soul would be lost forever and he wouldn't ever be able to go back into the body. If he wanted to go back into the body he had to come out and then go back in right away. One day he couldn't possess his body and he realized that he was stuck in the universe forever.

Many years later he met a lovely woman names Sue, he married her and had two twins, on girl and one boy they named them Samantha and Jacob. One day Jack had been in his body for too long and his body disintegrated into ash and he could see a hologram of him of what his life would've been like if his body was still there.

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