My Powers and Gift

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*Recognition to Chichi059lp for the gift idea.*

When Ezra gathered everyone in the kitchen he looled each of them in the eye. "I have somethings to tell you guys."Ezra began. Jonathan looked at him confused then when he knew what Ezra meant Jonathan shook his head no and started force talking. Everyone stared at them and could basically see their silent coversation. Ezra obviously won the battle because Jonathan slumped down in his seat. " I have other powers than the force." Ezra said looking at everyone who clearly didnt believe him. "OK so my first power is animal shape shifting." Ezra announced.
" There's No way you can do that." Zeb scoffed. Ezra smirked at that and then he began to glow orange.
Then like that he went from a boy into an Alpha Lothcat.( the biggest species almost as big as a lion). He then changes into a snake, then he turned back into normal boy Ezra. He looked at zeb , who was gawking at Ezra.

" OK, so next is... Umm... Which one should I do next... Ooh I'm going to do my invisibility." Ezra said.

Ezra instantly turned invisible then visible again.

" And Finally I can control the four elements . But I need to go outside for this one." Ezra stated. Ezra and the crew walked outside. The crew were like zombies since they were still reacting and registering my powers.

Ezra stood in the grass and closed his eyes. Water started to pour down from the sky, but only hitting the crew except chopper and Ezra. Then rocks began to lift of the ground small and big. Then animals started surrounding Ezra and flowers began to grow around him. Then fire burst from his palms. Everything stopped and Ezra walked towards the crew and Jonathan was forming a water ball and about to throw it at Ezra when he noticed Ezra falling towards the ground. Kanan force pulled Ezra to him and Ezra was sweating like crazy. And his forehead was hot. They rushed Ezra to the medbay. Ezra woke up and his eyes were changing again. When his eyes turned yellow he would go crazy and when his eyes went back to normal he fainted back into unconciousness. Soon Ezra was as pale as a ghost and as hot as fire. When Ezra was unconcious he was in a dark place and would have to battle the evil side of himself. When Ezra returned to normal he woke up he shifted on the medbay bed and saw kanan with his head in his hands. "Kanan?" Ezra asked . Kanan and everyone looked up at Ezra. Kanan smiled then frowned again. Before Kanan or anyone could speak Ezra sat up and dug into his clothes. He pulled out the small wrapped box Ahsoka Tano had given him years ago and opened it . Ezra laughed at what was inside until he touched it. When he touched the necklace he had a vision of why Ahsoka gave it to him. He showed the necklace to Kanan and Kanan understood what it was. It was a rare Gem necklace that protected its owner from the dark side and it could give the owner the power to defeat any Sith Lord and Inquisitor. Ezra smiled as he put it on and whispered,"Thank you Ahsoka." Ezra then felt the power of the gem and the power flowed through his body and blood. He sat down and laughed at himself. He and the crew now had a fighting chance.

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