Who is she?

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Ezra woke up early and so did the baby girl. Ezra didn't know anything about the baby so he decided to investigate with the force. Then Kanan came in as the baby was using her new found powers. She had created a rattle and was shaking it. Then she called a blaze of light shining it in Kanan's face. He groaned and Ezra laughed at the scene. Kanan quickly recovered and sat next to Ezra as he was deep in thought. "What is it?" Kanan asked. Ezra was going to lie but decided to tell the truth instead. "I know nothing about this baby but the force told me to rescue her. I was about to use the force to reveal her past and parents." Ezra explained. Ezra picked up the baby. She had clothes now because Ezra had made some for her out of the cloth around the ship. She was wearing a blue dress with pink leggings. Ezra sat her down on his lap and put his thumbs to her forehead. Ezra searched through her few memories and found out what he needed to know.
Baby's Memories
Her in her mother's stomach. Her mom singing a beautiful lullaby. Her being born and seeing her mother's face for the first time. Her mother was a rebel named Kyla Fox her husband was killed by the Empire. (Typical) Then he began to see the baby being carried by someone else a bucket head but without his helmet on. His name was Zander Nicholson and he wasn't as loyal to the Empire as he seemed he was just scared. Then Ezra heard the baby's mother's voice again. "Sky. Sky."soothingly being said. Then he saw the mother trying to escape off the star destroyer but had gotten shot and died. But the mother was able to get her child to a closet where Ezra found her crying. She was hurt bad from the explosions and the ship shaking roughly.

Then Ezra heard Kanan shouting his name.

Ezra woke up and felt tears coming down his face. He wiped them away. "Sky." Ezra said as if a question. The baby immediatly looked up at Ezra clearly recognizing her name. She no more than 8 months old and had already been through so much. She began to wiggle. Ezra realized what ahe wanted to do so he picked her up and took her to the kitchen where he found the rest of his crew and decides to put the show on here. Ezra sat her down a few feet away and sat down facing her with a few feet between them. Everyone watched with curiosity. Sky looked at Ezra and started to stand. She stumbled at first but soon steadied herself. Ezra started call her name to get her to walk to him. "Sky, come on. Come here. Come on Sky." Ezra encoraged. Soon everyone joined in encouragement. Sky smiled, but then she smirked at Ezra.Ezra recognized that smirk it was his famous smirk. Then he felt something in the force realizing it was Sky. She backed up a little bit then she did something incredible. She turned around and did three backflips and landed perfectly in front of Ezra then gave him a hug. Everyone except Ezra was amazed. Even Jonathan was gawking at her. "I was able to do that when I was 5 months. What's so surprising?" Ezra asked. "You were? I wasn't able to do those things until I was 5." Kanan said in astonishment. " I started around the age of 4. My aunt used to try and make me do performances for the town for extra credits." Jonathan admitted. Everyone stared at him confused and he just shrugged it off and sat down to eat his meiloorun he was holding. Zeb sat next to him and watched Ezra play light tag with Sky.

Star Wars Rebels Ezra's Force Journal continuesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt