Chapter 2

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Henry: So... Brandon asked, you? You--you, can't go. Right?

Char: Henry!

Henry: I'm serious Char. There's something about him. He's trouble, dude. The bad boy attitude, his deceiving looks, the perfect hair. (He seems a little off...)

Char: Don't I know it...

Henry: Charlotte! (I've gotta talk some sense into her.)

Ray: I'll just give you kids a second.

He leaves the man cave to bring Charlotte and Henry alone. Henry then takes Charlotte's hand and yanks her to the elevator. The door closes behind them.

Charlotte: Henry! I can't believe you right now. (It's so cute how much he cares. I just wished he wasn't so over protective)

Henry: I don't trust him around you. I just don't wanna see you get hurt.

Char: Henry, it's okay. Don't you trust me?

Henry: I do, it's just, isn't this a little risky?

Char: Hen, don't be afraid. It's worth the risk.

Henry: (She's right. Life without risk isn't a life worth living. And if anything happens, I'll kill him.) You know what Char, you have fun with Brandon. I trust you.

Char: Really?!

Henry: Yeah. You deserve it. Now grab something pretty to wear for next week.

Char: Thank you so much, Henry!

She walks up to him and hugs Henry with her arms around his neck.

Henry: (Wow, she must be really happy about this Brandon guy. I swear if he does anything...)

Henry comes out of the elevator and Charlotte presses the up button to go home.

Char: See you tomorrow, Henry! (I can't wait until next Friday.)

Henry: Bye Char. (I'm glad she's glad.)

Ray walks back into the man cave after hearing Charlotte leave.

Henry: Hey Ray.

Ray: Hen, what's got you down?

Henry: Char is going with some guy, Brandon, to the dance next week. But there's something off about him.

Ray walks to the big screen and opens up the internet.

Ray: What did you say his name was again?

Henry: Brandon Holden. What are you trying to do?

Ray: If you ever want to find out about someone, look them up.

Ray types in Brandon's name, and a link to his TwitFlash appears.

Henry: Hey, look. Click it.

Ray: Let's see here...

Henry notices a post about the dance next week.

Henry: (reading a post) "OMG GUYS. I was just dared to ask out some random girl to the dance tomorrow. Can't wait to break the news to her. It's gonna be real good! Pics on the way..."

Henry: Oh my god. Can you believe this retard?! I'm gonna kill him, I'll hunt him down and kill him! There's no way he could do this, especially to Charlotte. (Charlotte warned me about this before, when I get angry, I shake uncontrollably and I turn fiery red. But I can't help it! This douchebag thinks he can play Charlotte? Not on my watch...)

Ray: Henry, calm down. You're shaking real bad, kid.

Henry: How could he do something like this? I can't belie--, Charlotte. We gotta tell Char. She can't go to the dance, she'll be humiliated!

Ray: Don't worry, Kid. We can't tell Char just yet. We need a plan. A plan so bad, this Brandon wouldn't dare to enter his face in school ever again. And I have just the thing...

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