part 4

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You was staring at Discord, blushing slightly...Why are you doing this?..

Then, you heard the door slam open. "ACE I CAME AS SOON AS SILVERMIST TOLD ME! I'M HERE" yelled a voice you have heard many times before. You looked around, wondering who was it? Then you ran towards the door, only to find a brown pony with a clock eye, pink and blue mane.

You smiled, knowing it was your twin sister, Jasmin! You ran up to her. You said, trying not to be too loud to hurt Discord's feelings, "Jasmine...Who is THAT! I never seen him before!" Then she said, glancing towards him. "He is a wild beast, he is suppost to be trapped in stone! But...He must have escaped! I don't know how or why he was trapped but I did a little research and we haft to trap again! He is too choatic for ponyville!"

You sighed, not knowing what to do or what to say...But you didn't want to see him suffer like that, so you trotted to him, and said a little shyly. "Uh, excuse me. Mr. Discord? You haft to come with me! Sneak out with me, please..." You knew nopony was watching, Jasmine and Silvermist was planning something as other ponies was running in fear.

He nodded, as he slowly followed you out of a window...

Discord x OcWhere stories live. Discover now