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Elena's POV
To day my teacher, friend,and supernatural genius, is getting married to Jo Parker. She is a witch from the Gemini coven. Caroline, my vampire bff, Bonnie, my witch bff, and I are doing Jo's hair and makeup before putting on her dress. Two weeks ago I was a vampire and to be honest I absolutely hated it. Bonnie was in a supernatural prison world where she found a cure for vampirism. She gave it to her friend, my boyfriend, Damon Salvatore, so he could give it to me. Damon loves being a vampire but he loves me enough to take the be come human with me. When he is ready he will drink my blood so the cure can take affect in his system. Right now my bffs and I have finished Jo's makeup and she is ready for the dress! 

"Are you ready Jo?" asked Caroline. 

" Ya I'm ready. Let's do this!" We slipped Jo's $10,569 strapless dress over her head and she was ready to walk down the isle and become Mrs.Saltzman. I was walking into the chapel to make sure everything thing was set when I felt two arms wrap around my waist. 

"Mmmmh... Hi Damon are you ready to watch your best friend get married?", asked Elena. 

"Ya I'm ready and afterwards me and him are going to hit the bar and get so drunk we can't even stand up.", he laughs. I love this man with all my heart! 

" I can't wait until one day you and me are married with kids of our own.,she states triumphantly. "Ya me either. I love you." 

"I love you too." He catches me by surprise when he starts placing sweet kisses along my neck. I then turn around a crash my lips into his. Soon enough we are in a barn with, no clothes on what so ever. In 10 minutes the ceremony is starting so I slip on my floor length, lavender, maid of honor dress with the lace at the top. We arrive just in time to walk down the isle hand in hand as maid of honor and Groomsman. Next comes Jo and her father.

Jo's POV
I walk down the hall with my arm linked to my father's. We stand behind two mahogany doors waiting to walk down the isle. Soon enough the music turns into the rhythm of the wedding March and I know its time. The doors open and I see Alaric standing at the end of the isle. My father and I walk to the end of the path where Alaric is waiting. Once we make it he gives me a kiss on the cheek and goes to sit in the front row. I barely heard what the preacher was saying until Alaric said,

"I do" I was about to say the same when. All the sudden I feel something stab through my abdomen. The audience gasps. I find myself in Alaric's arms gasping for breath. I look up to see my brother Kai standing over me. After that all I remember is fading into darkness.

Elena's pov
Everyone is panicking and frantic. Kai just stabbed Jo. 

"Hello family what a nice day for you all to die!" Says Kai. Right after he says that he raises his arms and and the window shatters and everything went black.

Damon's pov
I run over to Elena to find her passed out. I bite my wrist and put it to her mouth but she isn't waking up! 

"Stefan, she isn't waking up!" 

"Take her to the hospital we'll meet you there." I picked Elena up and ran to the hospital. I compelled the doctor to tell the truth and do everything he can. 

"She is perfectly healthy, I don't know what's wrong!" What how can she be perfectly healthy, unless this isn't medical at all it must be magic induced. Stefan and Caroline finally made it and I filled them in. I need to find Kai. I asked Stefan to watch Elena for me so I can find him. I ran all over the place...finally I found a scent. "What did you do to my girlfriend."

 " I just put her in a coma that will last until her witchy best friend dies!" Witchy best friend? Wait Bonnie! He's evil, he knows I can't kill Bonnie because Elena will hate me forever! I then got an idea! I snuck up behind him, raised my arm, and took his head clean off!

I ran to the hospital and compelled the doctor to let me take her home for goodbyes for the next 60 years.

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