Seeing People Who Have Long Been Lost

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Elena's POV

"Damon Salvatore. Long time no see," I said weakly. Although it was weak, I smiled up at my loving boyfriend.

"Elena Gilbert, I could say the same," Damon said.

Slowly I tried to sit up but just ended up getting light headed. Luckily Damon helped me not to fall. I sat there for a few minute, gathering my thoughts, and taking in my surroundings. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a head of dirty blonde hair. I thought my eyes were deceiving me and then I realized that no matter how human he may act, Stefan Salvatore was still a vampire. So upon realizing who it was, I spoke in a broken voice (because I haven't gotten enough water).


"Hello there Elena."

"Hi Elena" said a shy but confident voice.

My head snaps to the voice.I got a little dizzy but then I saw thing, or person, who made that sound. And there she stood, strawberry blond hair cascading down her shoulders. Caroline Forbes. My best friend. The only girlfriend I have left no that Bonnie is gone. I gave a weak laugh. If out of humor for the fact that here she is in shorts and a t shirt, in the middle of winter, or for that heart felt despair for our friend who had, only ours ago mind you, passed away. 

"Hi," I ended up squeaking out. I was not sure I could say much more without bursting into tears. I was terrified I would cry on the spot at even the mention of our dear best friend's name. It was like an unspoken agree meant that we were not to speak her name until we gave her a proper burial. At least she got to live out her life this time. It is a sad thing to think about, the fact that she had died more than once, just to be brought back again by some unnatural force.

Caroline's POV

Just looking at my best friend, seeing that she is there in the flesh, breathtakingly beautiful, I have to stop myself from dissolving into tears. I have to save the tears for when we go to the burial grounds of where many of our friends are. Over the years I have gotten used to friends dying, but to have my best friend come back after having Bonnie die is surreal. i took a good look at her before I answered with, "Elena! Oh my god! It is so good to have you back! I missed you so much! Damon was an absolute ass to deal with! I had to listen to his constant moaning!I felt like I was gonna cry! Oh thank god you are back!" 

I ended up, in the middle of my exclamation, falling into Elena's arms. She looked like she wanted to laugh which I wouldn't really blame her because I probably did look pretty stupid.

"Caroline I missed you too!" 

As we all reunited in Damon Salvatore's bedroom, no one the dark figure looming outside the window. Watching and waiting.

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