60 years later

38 3 0

Damon's POV
I was sitting by Bonnie in her nursing home along with her two kids Sheila and Antonio. 

"Hey bon bon" 

"ya Damon?"

 "You've been a very good friend along with your two kids."

 "I'm gonna miss you Damon and make sure you tell Elena I love her and give her this." She pulled out the 3 diaries filled with everything Elena missed. Elena had requested that her and Caroline write down everything she had missed. '

"I'm tired Damon. I don't think I will wake up so this is goodbye. You have been a very good friend and I am so glad you will be getting Elena back. I will always be here in spirit. Tell Elena I love her and she has nothing to apologize for because knowing her she will be sorry for not being there for me to grow old. Good luck being human. I think you will be very good human too." 

"I will miss you Bonnie Bennett. You have been a very loving friend. I will tell Elena all those things. She will love to hear it and thank you for being there for me after Elena was put in a coma." 

"Your welcome Damon. Goodbye and good luck." Bonnie slowly closed her eyes and was put in a peaceful death. Bonnie Bennett was gone. And now Elena will wake up. Damon slowly got up and went to go to get Stefan and tell him it was time to go open Elena's coffin. He flew to the intended location, the tomb where her coffin was placed. Damon called Caroline and Stefan to tell them that that Elena would be waking up. They were running with Damon in an instant. When Damon, Caroline, and Stefan made it to the tomb they opened the gates and went up to the coffin. Damon carefully opened the top of the coffin and what he saw brought tears to his eyes. He picked up Elena bridal style and ran with her all the way back to the Salvatore boarding house. He laid her on his bed and waited for her to open her eyes. Very slowly Elena started to stir in the smallest movement.

Third Person's POV
This is the first time in who knows how many years Elena has heard anything. She heard the whooshing of wind. Then suddenly she was on a comfy surface. She felt all control of her body coming back to her very slowly. A little too slow for her liking. She felt her fingers coming back to life and she twitched her fingers. Elena suddenly felt someone take her hand. She had feeling to almost all her body and finally, after what felt like forever, she was able to open her eyes. She slowly blinked and saw someone she had missed for how ever long she was in a comma.

Damon Salvatore.

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