Our First Fight~Fluff

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Andy's P.O.V~

I held my head in my hands as I sobbed silently. Ashley was yelling and begging me to understand his side of the story but I just couldn't..This morning I'd woken up alone, not only that but I'd spent the entire day calling him only to receive no answer. When he finally showed up, he refused to tell me where he'd been and was strangely secretive.

Luckily, Sadie was away with my mom so she didn't have to see her parents in this state.

"Andy I swear it's not what you think!"

"Then why can't you tell me what the fuck you've been doing all day!?"

"I-I just can't! I can't Andy! Why can't you just accept that!?"

"Because you're my fucking husband Ashley! We swore to be true and always be open with each other!" My voice broke by the end and I knew I looked pathetic to him.

"That..that doesn't apply in this situation!" Anger filled me, not only was he lying but he was openly disobeying our vows.

"Doesn't apply? Well you know another one that doesn't apply right now!? 'What's mine is yours". Get the fuck out of my house and don't come back until you can tell me the truth!" I stood up and stared him down, my heart breaking as tears filled his eyes.

"Andy-" He started but I cut him short.

"Don't-just don't." I let out a sigh and closed my eyes, wanting this all to just be over.

After almost a minutes silence, he finally left, slamming the door behind him to wake me from my trance. Once I was certain he could no longer see me I let all my emotions take over. I fell to the ground and shook in fear, terrified of what he'd been doing all day and most likely gone back to do now.

"What happened to us?" I asked myself as I curled up on the ground and cried myself to sleep, hoping this was just some awful nightmare.



I was submerged in darkness as Ashley's words filled my ears.

"Kitten, meet me in our meadow."

I couldn't find where the voice was coming from, even as I opened my eyes. The soulmate bond.

I shot up from the floor and quickly laced my boots, realising my mistake.

As I sprinted the short walk to school, my eyes lit up when I saw his Harley parked outside.

"Ash!" I called out, knowing he could hear me with his heightened senses "I'm so sorry!"

I picked up my pace and ran through the small woods until I reached the open meadow, our meadow.

Once my breathing had called and my eyes could focus, the scene before me filled me with guilt and relief. Ashley stood in front of a small wooden table, beautifully decorated and covered in my favourite food, sushi. Fairy lights hung from the surrounding trees and rose petals created a small path towards him.

How could I ever think this man was cheating on me?

Suddenly, I'm engulfed in his arms and taken from the ground, wrapping my legs around his waist.

"Happy Anniversary Kitten." Ash whispered softly in my ear and my chest ached "Today's the anniversary of our first kiss."

"I'm so sorry Ashley, I should've-"

"Shh sweetheart it's fine, I would've been just as worried."

"But I for-"

"Again it doesn't matter, all that matters is you got my message."

After our short exchange of sweet nothings, we took our seats and ate in comfortable silence.

Everyday with this man, I love him more and more. And thanks to my gorgeous vampire, those days will never run out.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2016 ⏰

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