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Remember you can join at any time! so for now, ENJOY THE PROLOGUE OF THE THE NEW AND IMPROVED HYBRID SCHOOL!


Welcome to Hybrid School, a school that is in a small town full of hybrids and their destined riders alike! Now, some of you might be confused. So sit down, and listen to what I have to tell!

The hybrids of the town are all mostly orphans, they live differently then the humans. Some live in the forest outskirts, where they can learn how to harness their powers within. others might live underground, even in the ocean or sky! Inside the actual town is where the humans live. Now hush! Your probably confused, the humans are destined riders for the hybrids. See, hybrids can transform into three modes. The 'Rider Mode', the 'Animal Mode', and the 'Human Mode'. 'Rider Mode' is a large animal version of the hybrid. Some hybrids don't need an 'Animal Mode' if their to large.

Rider Mode makes sure their destined rider can sit on top of their backs. The other modes are easy to figure out. Destined Riders are riders destined with a hybrid. They HAVE to be a human, some hybrids can't go into the modes. Those hybrids are mostly likely, Herobrine hybrids, most nether hybrids, Wither hybrids, Angel hybrids, ect. Those hybrids need an animal hybrid for a destined hybrid.

There's also dark hybrids. Most commonly known as Dark Sides. They can be hybrids, humans, WHATEVER! was I rambling? sorry, well, lets start the story!

Hybrid School (YouTuber FF) -rewritten version-Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu