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"Beeeeeeeeep!" I drag myself up dreading my day. Hi I'm Nicole's Davis your typical normal nerd. When I look at my alarm clock I see that it was my last beep because I had pressed the snooze button so many times.
I hurried up and picked up my clothes off the pile on the floor( I don't have a closet and I feel piles are much easier😅)
I try to get to school but my freakin car just wouldn't go( it's very old and it's the only car my family has.. Ummm ya so I have to walk).
When I finally get to school ( thank god I wasn't late) I go to my locker.( I'm sure you know by know that I'm not rich and I live with my mom. My mom and dad got separated when I was only two. I'm an only child.)
At my locker my bff, Katy was waiting. When she goes in the bathroom my regular bully comes, her name, Amber ( I'm so used to it by now.I always outsmart her).
"Hey! Nerd what's with your hair and clothes.... Oops I forgot that you had no style."

"So! It's not like you got any either because if you did you wouldn't use such a stupid insult."

She was so furious and was just about to punch me when I saw a teacher.

"Hi Mr. Hook, would you mind telling Amber here what can happen to a bully".

Mr. Hook told Amber to go to the office. I'm pretty sure she is going to make a wild story.
Katy comes back and sees Amber being dragged to the office.

"What did I miss?" She says, her mouth hanging open.
"Amber trouble," I say, laughing.

Anyways we get to our first class, math. My first class when pretty well considering everyone laughs at me all the time. It's my style I never know what to wear and what to say. ( I wish at least once a guy would look at me and people would talk to me....... I wish I was popular). My teacher, Mrs. Robinson was passing back our chapter tests. I obviously got an A+. But what I did when I got was just stupid.

I yelled," I got an A+ yesssss."

Everyone glared at me and looked like they wanted to beat me up.
Anyways the rest of my day was okay. I got A+ in everything, of course.😏
Then came lunch the most awful part of my everyday life. I get to sit with my friend alone at a little tiny table in the corner. Surprisingly lunch was ok today, just today. After that I went to all my other classes until school ended. I quickly got home( my car was still not working ) and did my homework. My mom was out with her boyfriend so I got to sleep.

That was basically my day and I know it wasn't that interesting but what can you expect from a nerd.😉😉😉😉😊

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