The meeting

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Remember, how I told you about my typical day well now I'm going to tell you about my not so typical day when I met someone so different than me.
Remember my nerdy day and embarrassing life well now I'm going to tell you about the meeting with a very special person who I don't really have anything in common with.
I close my locker and walk hurrying to get to my next class. My bffs were just behind me. They hang out me so my popular rubs on them.
Ok anyways I was walking very slowly and on point when this nerd no doubt looking at her textbook instead of her phone( weirdo!!)bumped right into me.

"Who do you think you are!!!!!!!!"

"I'm Nicole Dav....."

"I don't care nerd just get away from me, do you even know who I am. Omg, what kind of person are you."

"I'm a nerd and I fully accept it"

Btdubs we do all this without looking at each other and i mean like why would I make eye contact with a nerd soooo

Anyway my not so special day


"I just don't understand how people can be so cruel and live with themselves." Im talking about bullies of course with my bff Katy.

And I was walking with my own right when of course, the most popular girl and her clones were not looking where they were going and staring into their phones like freakin maniacs bump into me.
Of coarse, Hadley has to make a big deal about nerd germs and of course the "Do you know who I am" card.

She is such a jerk and I would never be like that.

Anyway my not so typical day

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2015 ⏰

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