Chapter 1

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Dipper stared above him, at the silver tiled sealing of the room that he and his twin sister shared, and sighed.

He had woken up early, as he'd been doing lately. For some reason, it was as if his mind was on alert and he couldn't seem to sleep.

Besides, even when he was able to sleep, he would wake up at around three in the morning anyway, which gave him barely any time to rest.

His sister had been bothering him for the past month about the bags under his eyes but he refused to tell her.

It's not that he was scared she would worry about him-like she'd ever do that-it was more like she would call him a wuss and never let him live it down.

Finally, his curly haired sister stirred.

Dipper didn't want to be around to witness Mabel's morning insanity, so he swiftly stood from his bed, redoing the sky-blue sheets with the snap of his finger.

He had already dressed earlier on into his usual sky blue dress shirt, the one with pockets on each side, black dress pants on his legs and the fancy shoes his Great Uncle Stan had bought for him two years back.

He had everything except for his cape and journal.

But of course, having magical abilities did have it's perks for the Gleeful Twins.

With a flick of his wrist, his blue cape flew to him, clipping around his shoulders with the collar flaring out at his neck. His journal, the first one, had been placed in a pocket in the fold of his cape prior to now and the dark blue amulet on the clip of his cape glowed brightly.

He walked out of the room just as Mabel opened her weary eyes.


"I know you did it." I squinted my eyes at the shelled creature. "There's no where to hide now, Mayor Green!"

*Que dramatic music*

The little green turtle blinked up at me slowly, the white sash I made out of notebook paper and crayons was wrapped loosely around his wide shell.

"No where to hiiiddde!" I called as the creature took a few very slow steps forward, while I waved my makeshift spyglass in the air menacingly.

At least, I hope it was menacingly. If not, that would ruin this entire act.

"Pacifica!" My best friend, Gideon, called to me. "Would you stop re-enacting Ducktective and help me with these signs?" He held up an armful of wooden signs that he was struggling to hold in his small arms.

A grin popped up onto my face and I walked over to him, bringing my hands up to my eyes.

"Spectacles." I smiled, leaning in closer as if to examine the situation. Nodding, I made a scene of putting my 'spectacles' away and grabbing half of the signs from him.

He breathed a sigh of relief and I rolled my eyes happily. I'm so glad my parents let me come with him to his Uncle Bud's house over the weekend.

My parents could be pretty over protective at times, especially with my bubbly personality and tendency to mess things up.

"SoooooOooOoOoo," I sang, swaying my head a bit.

"Pacifica." Gideon said and I stopped.

"Sorry." I smiled over to him. "So, what are we doing with these?"

Gideon shrugged. "Uncle Bud said to hang them up around the forest to attract tourists. Though unless people are hanging out in the trees, I don't know why they'd see these signs."

I elbowed my BFF. "Cheer up, Gids." I told him. "It won't take that long anyway."

He huffed in annoyance but rolled his eyes and began walking forward anyway.

"I'll get this side!" I called to him, and he gave me a thumbs up behind his back as he walked.

He's such a dork.

Welp, time to hang some signs!

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