Chapter 2

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"LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LAAAA!" I sang at the top of my lungs while I skipped happily through the forest, doing a little dance every time I hung a sign.

I don't understand why Gideon doesn't like doing this kind of stuff. It's so much fun!

"SIGNS SIGNS SIGNS, I LOVE HANGING SIGNS!" I sang again with a grin on my face.

"PACIFICA, I CAN HEAR YOU ALL THE WAY OVER HERE!" I heard Gideon's faint annoyed call from the other side of the forest and I giggled.

Instead of screaming again, I hummed to myself the first tune that popped up in my head. I'm pretty sure I've heard it on the radio before but I don't know for sure.

Reaching up, I stretched my arms out to try and lift a sign that read MYSTERY SHACK, THIS WAY with a giant read arrow on it, onto a tree branch. But, sadly, I was too short.

"Need some help there?" A voice asked from behind me.

"Oh, yes. That would be-" My voice caught in my throat when I turned around.

I screamed.


I usually like to take walks after long days of working at the Tent. It got tiring after a while, and Mabel Gleeful is not a very easy person to deal with.

Take it from her twin brother.

Sighing, I rubbed my aching forehead. You know, sometimes I wish this stupid amulet could actually do something important.

Like cure headaches or something.

But, of course, all mine does is glow a bright teal and make things move and levitate.

Practically useless.

If only I had Mabel's amulet. But, of course, she was the one who got the one with all of the cool powers. Granted, they were the same type of rock, so it was weird for them to have different abilities.

Even though I was the one who found them when Mabel and I were eleven years old. I originally had the one she has know, but she bullied me into giving it to her.

Yeah, she wasn't a very nice person. She could definitely fool someone though. I've seen her use that stupid amulet to make herself look like a goddess just to get a boyfriend, use them for some job she needs to get done, and then dump them and move on to the next victim.

The forest was the one place I could go to just...relax.

To get away from the fancy mansion and my annoying sister.

The trees were just so calming, so peaceful, and so-


My thoughts were cut off by a loud scream coming from somewhere near by.

Should I worry about that? I asked myself.

Eh, why not?

I'm tired.

Well, that sucks.

Sighing in annoyance, I decided to get up from my comfortable spot next to a tree and I pushed myself up from the ground.

Wiping off my cape, I checked to make sure that my Journal was still inside it's hidden pocket in my cape before standing up and making my way to where I heard the scream.

What I saw thoroughly amused me.


This is hilarious, yet terrifying at the same time.

There were-what seemed like Gnomes- surrounding me at my feet and attempting to grab at my legs.

Shaking my arms vigorously, I attempted to throw the little men off of me. "Get. Off. Of. Me! You...strangely adorable little people, you!"

"Just marry us already!" One of them shouted, pawing at my leg.

"I'm pretty sure that's not how marriage works!" I called back, kicking him off.

"Wait! Before you say no, look at our gift to you!" A few of the Gnomes walked out of a bush that stood in front of me, a sparkly hot pink sweater with a smiling flower in the middle of it.

I immediately stopped and stared at the beautiful piece of clothing before me. My eyes widened in appreciation.

"Did you knit that yourselves?" I asked, my mouth agape.

One of them, with a brown beard instead of white like all the others, nodded with a satisfied grin. "All 1,000.5 of us!"

I frowned. "0.5?"

"Yup! So what do ya say, Pacifica? Will you marry us?" He pulled out a ring with a few jagged crystals on one side as a wedding ring.

"Well, the sweater is beautiful...ha nope!" I said, giving them false hope. Reaching my arms to the sky I exclaimed; "Leaf blower!"

And suddenly one appeared in my hand. I brought it down to my face and stared at it for a second.

"Huh. I didn't actually think that would work...oh well." I shrugged before flipping the blower around to face the Gnomes.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" The brown bearded one waved his mini arms around. "You don't really want to do this, do you?"

"No, I'm pretty sure I do." I nodded thoughtfully.

"But what about the sweater?" He spread his arms out to the shirt. "Eh, eehhh?"

I shrugged. "I'll just take it when you're not looking."

He frowned, dropping his arms. "Wait, what?"

I grabbed the sweater and pointed the leaf blower at him. "See ya never!" I shouted in a chirpy tone before setting the blower to Blow, and blasting all of the Gnomes away.

They began squealing and crawling away. One got picked up by a goat.

What a goat was doing in the forest, I don't know. But who cares, that was awesome!

"Woo!" I fist-pumped, high-fiveing myself. "And I even got a sweater out of it!"

"Yes, that was all so very impressive, but...can I have my leaf-blower back now?"

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