Chapter 5

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"Tent of telepawhatnow?"

Gideon face palmed, but he must have hit his face to hard because he mumbled an 'ow' and proceeded to rub his forehead.

"Have you even been listening to anything I've been explaining for the last-" he paused to check his watch, "two and a half hours?!"

"Nope!" I cheered happily, calmly petting my chicken while sitting upside down on the couch, my long blonde hair spilling out over the floor under me as I swung my legs back and forth against the wall.

"You asked if we could go to the Tent of Telepathy and I was telling you all of the reasons we can't."

"Oooohh, right! Well, can we?!"

My best friend sighed, dropping down onto the couch cushion next to me and rubbing his forehead.

"No, we cannot go. Didn't you see what Mabel and Dipper were like? Total psychos."

I frowned a bit at his insult, and moved into an upright position once more. I had to grab onto Gideon's shoulder for a moment to get my bearings back.

"Dipper was really nice, I already told you that!" I tried to convince him to agree with me. "And, okay, fine, that Mabel girl was a bit out of her head-"

"See!" Gideon exclaimed, waving his arms about for emphasis.

"But," I continued, "I was invited to go see the show, and by one of the performers himself! It would be rude if I didn't at least show up to say 'hello.' "

"I don't see where I fit in to all of this, Paz."

"You can be my plus one! Besides, if I hang around you, maybe Mabel will leave you alone!" I added, and watched as the gears in his brain began ticking while he weighed his options.

I thought I had him right where I needed him to be, but then he let out another exasperated sigh.

"It doesn't matter if I want to go or not. Uncle Bud warned us not to even glance at the Gleeful twins! And we've had entire conversations with both of them! And don't you remember the warning he gave us about not going to see the show?"

I tapped my chin. "Hmm, let's see...nope!" I cheered with a grin, tilting my head and stretching out my arms.

"This isn't funny, Pacifica. He said to say away from it at all costs, and that if we went it would ruin our entire summer. Ruin it, Paz."

I waved a hand. "Ruin, shmewin. Like you said, we've already talked to them for more than five minutes each! What could be the harm of just going to see one tiny little show? Your Uncle exaggerates a lot, ya know."

Gideon frowned in thought. "Well, I guess that is true."

"So we're going to see them?!" I jumped up into a standing position on the couch, clasping my hands together with anticipation.

My friend sighed. "Fine. We can go. But only this once." I opened my mouth. "And we aren't bringing friends." I pouted and opened my mouth again. "No, we aren't bringing your chicken either."




It's hard finding motivation to keep this story going, especially since the show ended (sobbing in background) but I'm going to keep writing because I'm really excited for this!

Also, sorry about the short chapter. I was going to have them go see the show but I felt bad about not updating in almost 2 months and decided to just publish this as is.

Hopefully, the next chapter will be up soon, I'll try my best to get it out!

Thanks for being so patient with me!

Sorry again!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2016 ⏰

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