Chapter 3

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I eyed the girl before me with a straight face, my hand still held out in front of me for her to give me the leaf blower back.

Yes, I'd made it appear. Guess I forgot to mention that my amulet can also make things appear at my will.

Still useless, though.

The girl in front of me-who seemed to be a few inches shorter than I-had long light blonde hair that was pulled back into a slightly curled pony tail at the back of her head. Her bangs fell into her eyes and she didn't seemed bothered by the fact that some pieces of hair stuck out here and there.

Much unlike Mabel, who would scream and just decide on using magic to make sure her hair was perfect.

My sister tended to misuse the amulet's abilities most of the time.

Anyway, the girl was wearing a teal shirt underneath an unbuttoned pink jacket-which had white stripes on the sleeves and a purple collar-with plain blue jeans.

Her large blue eyes widened when I smirked at her shocked expression as I figured out who she was in my mind.

"Ah, a Northwest I see." I spoke calmly and her eyes widened further, if possible.

"H-how do you know my last name?" Her voice shook slightly as she gripped the leaf blower in her hands.

I snapped my fingers once and the leaf blower vanished from her hands.

She yelped, jumping back a bit and observing her arms as if she couldn't believe what had just happened.

I stepped forward. "I know more than that, Pacifica." I took her hand in mine. "But allow me to introduce myself." I kissed the back of her hand. "I am Dipper Gleeful."


When the strange boy took my hand in his, I leaned back a little, a blush covering my cheeks.

Stay calm, Pacifica. It's not like this is the first time a boy-other than Gideon-has talked to you. I told myself.

Though, it actually was.

"I am Dipper Gleeful." He said after planting a kiss on my hand and I immediately jumped back, ripping my hand from his grasp.

"I-uh-um..." I stuttered and the smirk on his face went straight again.

"I see you had a Gnome problem." He commented, coolly placing his hands in my pockets of his dress pants.

It was then that I noticed his unusual attire.

I mean, who would wear a suit to go for a walking the forest?

Why, Dipper Gleeful, of course!

Frowning, I suddenly remembered Gideon's Uncle Bud saying something about the...Gleeful Twins? I can't remember entirely, seeing as I wasn't really paying attention, but I do remember him warning us to steer clear of them.

I don't know why he would say that, though. Dipper seemed nice enough.

I blinked, trying to focus on what he said. "T-that was you?"

Come on, Pacifica! Stop stuttering!  I scolded myself.

He nodded once. "Yes. I heard you scream while I was taking a walk and I found you surrounded by Gnomes."

"But...the leaf blower...and"

He chuckled softly, surprising me. 

I thought he only knew how to smirk and keep a straight face.

He quickly composed himself before lifting one of his hands. "What's your favorite thing to eat?"

I smiled brightly. "Chocolate cupcakes!" I exclaimed excitedly.

What? Cupcakes make me happy, okay?

Dipper snapped his fingers and I felt something in my hand. 

Looking down, I noticed that I was a chocolate cupcake with a black wrapper and simple blue icing on the top.

The icing matched his cape.

I gasped, looking from him to the cupcake. "You did that?"

He nodded, his dark brown hair falling into his eyes a bit. 

"Can I eat it?"

He shrugged, offering no words, and I took it as a yes. I quickly unwrapped it and took a bite of the deliciousness.

I sighed, content. "This is deliciou-"

"Hi, Dipper." A female voice called out of nowhere, and I thought I saw Dipper roll his eyes before his straight face yet again appeared.

I looked over to see a girl wearing a tight green sparkly dress with black strapped heels, her black hair was straightened and her bangs covered her forehead.

She strutted up to Dipper and hung on his arm. 

Dipper gave a small annoyed sigh. "Hello, Candy."

I raised an eyebrow at the girl, who seemed to be fawning over Dipper and proudly showing it.

I decided to leave but when I took a step back my foot crunched on a twig and the black haired girl's head snapped in my direction so fast I thought it would fly off.

Her eyebrows arched downwards and her eyelids slipped into a glare, her extremely red lips pursed as she eyed me up and down.

She looked from Dipper and back to me, her hands tightened on Dipper's arm.

"Who's the witch?" She snarled, eyeing me with a disgusting face.

I shrank back, feeling intimidated under her gaze, and rubbed my arm.

Dipper attempted to pry his arm from Candy's tight grip, but to no avail. He sighed.

"Her name is Pacifica, and she's not a w-"

"Pacifica?!" Candy asked as if she couldn't believe it before howling with laughter.

I cringed. Her laugh was most unpleasant, and it only proceeded in making me shrink back further.

"That's the stupidest name I've ever heard in my life!" She continued to laugh as if it were the funniest thing in the world, holding her stomach.

Dipper's eyelid twitched and I frowned.

Abruptly, Candy stopped her laughter and let go of Dipper's arm. Walking right up to me, causing me to panic and trip over a root.

She glared down at me, placing her hands on her hips. "You better stay away from My Dipper, if you know what's best for you. Pacifica."

I pushed myself back up, ignoring the dirt stains on my jeans, and crossed my arms.

With new found courage I spoke back to the girl.

"Your Dipper? Excuse me for saying, but I'm not so sure you can own people-what was it? Candy?" I glared at her. "So you should really stop acting like you do, because I'm pretty sure Dipper here doesn't exactly appreciate you thinking that."

Behind her, I saw the edge's of Dipper's lips twitch upwards slightly.

Candy's eyes widened before she stomped her foot in outrage, fists at her sides. "UGH! You will regret that, Pacifica!"

And with that, Candy stomped away in all her sparkling green glory.

I'm pretty sure I was temporarily blinded when she walked through the sunlight.

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