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You know those peachy days when you are really just tired or angry, and you need to be by yourself? Yeah. Today was that day. That douche-bag Tristan cheated on me with this perfect makeup girl. Sometimes I wonder why he would like me anyways. Just to play with me? I mean I am in the middle of perfect, makeup girl, bu I have the sporty, lazy side. He would say, "You're so unique.. No one can compete with you. You're my one, and forever." I want to just puke... It was was sweet back then, but if I think about it now, it's just filled with lies. What did he need more? No. Scratch that. Why did I even accept his heart? Blech. I'm not gonna cry for that stupid guy. He's not worth my time. I made the wrong choice in accepting him anyways. But think about it.. The way he asked me to go out with him was quite a girl's dream.. He sent roses after roses, and kept on asking me to date him one after another. I was just N.O at first, but then he got me. Under his spell.. Argh.. Stupid guy. I swear under my breath as I walk to the park where Mr. Tree was waiting for me. "Alicia! Wait up! I have to explain!" this Tristan guy comes up to me as he blocks my way. I ignore as I push past him, not even giving him the precious sound of my voice. "Babe! Wait up!" he says as I stop immediately. Was that guy walking to me!? Wow.. Babe!? Are you kidding me!? "You talkin to me?" I ask as I turn around to face his ugly face which makes me want to just puke on his oh-so-expensive clothes, and shoes. "Babe! Please just listen to me! I can exp-" he starts but I just cut him off. "Oh no. Tristan. I don't need explanations. I'm all good. You don't need to be sorry, thankful, pity or ANYTHING for me. I'm just going to get you out of my head, and erase the wasted time I had with you. So get lost, and out of my face. Have fun with her." I say as I dump the water on his head. He deserved more than that, but yeah.. I like to be kind. ;) I can save better things for later if by any chance I see him again. "ARGH! YOU BITCH! I tried to be nice to you, but I just can't. You're on." he says as he grits his teeth at me. "Oh! Someone save me! I'm so scared!" I say as I roll my eyes at him with a sarcastic tone. "You'll regret everything!" he says in an angry tone. He was too easy to make fun of. Haha. This was going to be easy. >:) "I regret every precious second I spent looking at your fake personality." I say as I walk away to the corner of the park. He just stomped away like a childish kid. 

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Jungkook's POV-

I hear two people fighting from not so far away... Argh.. Can I have some sleep..? I thought the fresh air, and Ms. Tree would help me get at least a few minutes off of my tight schedule... -.- Why does there always have to be a distraction in everything... -___- Give me a rest... "ARGH! YOU BITCH! I tried to be nice to you, but I just can't. You're on." a guy's voice says which gets me woken completely. Oh no. Gentle men don't say that kind of stuff! "Oh! Someone save me! I'm so scared!" she says which kind of surprises me. Most girls would just go crying home... >> She is strong, and it's a good decisions. Just like fake girls, fake guys aren't worth it. ;) Wasting your tears on something you shouldn't be crying about.. And the time you can spend smiling... It's sad.. 

Us guys should learn to understand girls even though they are really... Just unpredictable at times.. >.< You just don't know how far they can go.. It's like... Things popping everywhere... One second she's mad at you, and the other second she's so happy. Like puberty... I don't even know.. All I know is that this girl is coming towards where I am, and umm... I hope she doesn't know that I listened to her conversation with her... I'm guessing.. Ex-boyfriend... Let's just hope I won't get interacted.. Too much... 

If things went right, I wouldn't have met you. (BTS Jungkook fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now