The Beginning

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My name's Lèvanna Brown and this is my story.
I used to be a good girl. Soft, loving, caring. Now, I'm a cold hearted assassin with a lust for blood.
******Beginning of Flashback********
It all started when I was three. I was at the park with my biological mother and father . It was a sunny day, not a single cloud could be seen. I gave mommy and daddy a hug before running off to go play. They sat on the bench talking and laughing with each other while I made new friends. Then it happened. A loud bang rang out and echoed throughout the park. Everything went into slow motion. Mothers grabbing their children and running. People screaming and flailing their arms. But there was one woman screaming. Her voice distinct. I then realized it was momma. She was kneeling over dad who was sprawled out on the grass. I hurried over to them and tried to wake dad up, not knowing that he was long gone.

Lèvanna: Momma! Papa! We need to go! Let's go! C'mon!
Momma: *crying* OH GOD! OH GOD!
Lèvanna: Momma! We have to go! Pwease!
Momma: oh baby *hugs me*
Lèvanna: momma! Tell papa to wake up! Pwease! We have to go!

By now everyone was gone, except for one man. He hopped out of a dirty white 2006 caravan, crossed the street and headed towards us.

Man: *pulls out a gun* GET IN THE VAN!
Momma: *begins to sob* no please!
Man: *puts the gun to her temple* GET IN THE VAN NOW!
Lèvanna: Momma!
Man: Shut up little girl * points gun at me*
Momma: C'mon baby *gets up and goes to the van
Lèvanna: Momma where are we going? What about papa? What will happen to him when he wakes up?
Momma: baby girl papa won't wake up for a long time
Lèvanna: why?
Man: tell your kid to shut up and put on those blind folds right by your hand.
Momma: okay baby you have to be quiet now *starts to put on my blindfold*
Lèvanna: Momma! *panics* I can't see! MOMMA I CAN'T SEE!
Momma: its okay baby I'm right here.

The van started and we pulled away. The road was filled with bumps and I hit my head several times. Momma was still crying but quieter. Finally the van stopped. I felt a hand grab me and walk me to some distant place. Then someone yanked my blindfold off. My eyes were met by bright lights and a face.

??: Hi Lèvanna!
Lèvanna: w-who are you? How do you know my name? Where's my momma?
??: My name's Nicki Minaj but you can call me mom
Lèvanna: But your not my mom!
Nicki: of course not sweetheart! I'm better than your mom
Nicki: *pulls out a gun* watch how you talk to your mom little girl!
Lèvanna: *starts to cry* Pwease give me my momma! Pwease I'm scared!
Nicki: *sighs* I hate to see my baby girl cry. Alright turn around.

I turned around and saw momma tied to a seat with duct tape over her mouth. Tears were streaming out of he eyes, and she was making a small whimpering sound.

Lèvanna: Momma?
Nicki: honey how many times do I have to tell you? I'm your momma now.
Lèvanna: but my momma is right there!
Nicki: really? I can fix that. *points the gun at her head and fires* There all fixed.
Lèvanna: Momma! You hurt her! You hurt her!
???: *walks in* Nicki dis her?
Nicki: yeah
???: aww she's adorable! *turns toward momma's dead body* oh and I'm guessing that used to be her mom? *kicks her head*
Lèvanna: DON'T DO THAT!
???: ooh she has a temper. You always pick them well Nicki.
Nicki : you know I have a good eye baby!
Lèvanna: who are you?!
???: I'm Drake but-gco
Lèvanna: lemme guess your my new papa, and your new and improved?
Drake: yea actually. Nicki I thought she was supposed to be 3 years old?
Nicki: She is.
Drake: Don't you think her vocabulary is a bit....advanced for her age?
Nicki: Well my files read that she's a prodigy in all arts: Dance, song, smarts, everything. Trust me Drake we need her on our side.
Drake: ight baby I got you. its good.
********************End of Flashback******************

Thus began the rest of my life. I was trained for seven hours a day, everyday. I have been sent on approximately one hundred and two murder missions. All of them successful. I've never been caught. I've been trained too well in forensics to leave any behind. I also know how to delete files; make it seem like that person never existed. So many are on the "Missing" list. So many cases have gone cold. I make people disappear. I'm eighteen years old now and have now developed a love for my job. I know your wondering why I do what I do. Well simply because of the money. I am paid over one billion dollars if I succeed at a mission, and a thousand more if I don't get caught. You see, my "mom" and "dad" are drug dealers. The best on the planet. Me? I'm their greatest weapon. The people I kill are mainly those who don't pay mom and dad back. The others were merely warning signs to those who need to make a payment soon. My life has been based off of faking. I get close to the people I kill before I murder them out of cold blood. I make certain people go missing, then take their place. I am an assassin. A very pretty one at that. I'm why the world is full if mysteries with no answers, deaths with no justice. I am evil.

Anyway enough about my job. Let me tell you more about me. I'm what you'd call a coco cutie. I have sister locks all the way down to my waist. My favorite color is blue and I love cookie monster. To be honest, if you take away the assassin part and the whole prodigy "good at everything" part, I'm just your average teenager. I love books and I love listening to music. What I love the most, is helping dad in the office, oh, and distributing but that's a story for another day.

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