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Lèvanna: Dad, its been six months. This officially the longest mission I've been on. Please, let me kill him
Drake: In a couple days OK? Just wait!
Lèvanna: mom!
Nicki: do what he says
Lèvanna: ugh! The longer we wait is the more chances for accidents like last week to happen. He was mumbling in his sleep, so I got closer to listen. Everything that happened in his dream, happened or will happen soon. We need to get this over with
Drake: no we wait
Lèvanna: *rolls eyes* whatever. I'm going to his house.
Drake: don't you try anything!
Lèvanna: I'm not! Calm down.
*********************At His House********************
Lèvanna: can we watch a scary movie?
Chresanto: sure, but on one condition
Lèvanna: and what's that
Chresanto: you have to cuddle with me the whole time.
Lèvanna: is that it?
Chresanto: no, before we watch the movie, I want to show you something. I do t know if you remember the whole story.
Lèvanna: story of what?
Chresanto: well, fifteen years ago, a woman and her daughter were abducted. I was there when it happened.
Lèvanna: *nervous chuckle* y-you were?
Chresanto: don't worry babe, nothing happened to me. Here's the old report on it.

News reporter: Breaking News, I'm standing at the site of a kidnapping. As you can see, a team of police are behind me looking for clues. There was apparently also a shooting. The man who was shot, died on the scene. He has been identified as Luis Brown. It is said he was here with his wife and daughter, their names are yet to be identified. We do know, however, that they were taken from this very spot into a white van. I have here with me a witness of the abduction. What's your name sir?
Jacob: Jacob
News reporter: can you tell us what happened here?
Jacob: *southern accent: I was just here with my girlfriend and our kid, when dis shot rang out. And I saw the man go down ,so I took me, my girlfriend and kid, and hid in the bush near bye. And I seen dis man point a gun at dis woman thru da leaves. And he was like get in tha car get in! And after they got in they was blindfolded and he drove off. Saddest thing I ever seen.
News Reporter: thank you Jacob. Alright tonight our hearts go out to that family and we pray we can find them soon and alive. This is Rachel Crow reporting on Breaking news. Good night.
End of tape

Lèvanna: *breathing hard*
Chresanto: there is going to be a special on the case tonight at ten. Wanna stay and watch it?
Lèvanna: I don't know Chresanto
Chresanto: plz babe!
Lèvanna: fine
Chresanto: yay!
Lèvanna: i-i'll be back *goes outside. Calls drake*
Drake: hello?
Lèvanna: o-oh my god
Drake: what's wrong?!
Lèvanna: he said there's a special on my whole abduction tonight. He wants me to watch it. What if they say who I am?!!!
Drake: you stay and execute if they say the whole truth.
Lèvanna: *sniffs* ok bye
Drake: bye
Lèvanna: *wipes her eyes then goes back in*
Chresanto: you ok babe?
Lèvanna: yea I just.. This stuff gets to me you know. It hurts. Even if it was fifteen years ago.
Chresanto: yea and the sad part is. They still haven't found them.
Lèvanna: *sighs*
That night
Chresanto: Babe! It's starting!
Lèvanna: coming!
Chresanto: hurry!
Lèvanna: I'm here! I'm here!


News reporter: Hi everybody this is Rachel Crow. Tonight is a special report on a case that has been open for 15 years. Investigators have found a breakthrough on the abduction of a woman and her child, from a park in the year 2000. The woman was identified as Liána Brown. Her husband, Luis Brown, was shot and killed on scene. Her bones were recently found at the bottom of the lake near the park from which she was taken from. Forensics suggest she was shot in the head. Her daughter Lèvanna Brown has not yet been found....but we have a baby pic of her *shows it* investigators aged the photo and this is what she would look like now *shows it* For even more exciting news this video was taken outside of a bank yesterday *plays it* in the video you see a girl walk up to the ATM to withdraw money. Everything seems normal right? Wrong! If you zoom in and enhance the video by 100% you see Lèvanna herself standing there withdrawing money. Then she looks up, notices the camera, and tries to hide her face. We know that she is alive, but the question is, who has her, and why don't we have any records on her existence. Investigators say, if locals are correct, she has been sucked into the drug trade as a personal assassin. Back in the early 2000's, top drug dealers would kidnap little kids and would train them to assassinate those who don't pay them their owed drug money. Locals say that they are still used to day. We believe it is true since 102 people have gone missing over a span of eleven years. We do not know if this is accurate, but locals say that there have seen her, and that they know who she's with. However, they refuse to say where she is and who she's with because they are in fear if their life. We even have a lady, who says she witnessed her son's murder at the hands of Lèvanna. *plays video*
Amber: Hi I'm Amber Lucille Caven and I'm am forty two years old. Yes I have seen Lèvanna. She killed my son. Two years ago my son came home, add he said "mom! Mom! I have a girlfriend! I love so much mom! I think she's the one!" He said. The next day he brought her home, and said mom this is Kayla. And we talked a bit and I grew to really love her. Then one day she walked in the house with a gun, tied me up, then shot my son in front of my face. Then she cleaned up the mess. Before she left, she looked at me and said "this is what happens when you don't pay what you owe" * starts to cry* then she just left me tied to the chair. It hurts so much, and what hurts worse is its not even her fault. I forgive her because she was made that way. And now two years later, I'm finding out what happened to her and what her real name is and why she did what she did. It's just sad and there is more like her out there. Plus she watched BOTH her parents die right in front of her face. *cries harder* if I saw her again I would hug her. I honestly would.
End of video
News Reporter: Sad. Tonight cops have been set up all over the country. We want to find her so we can bring her home. And she won't be charged for the murders, but the people who made her do them will be given life with no chance if parole.
End of special

Lèvanna: *crying* Chresanto
Chresanto: ...............................
Lèvanna: please listen to me
Chresanto:.... Y-you kill? T-then why are you here. Are you here to kill me too?!
Lèvanna: no i- yes I am but I'm not. I love you.
Chresanto: isn't that what you told that woman's son before you killed him?!
Lèvanna: no! Chresanto listen. I was sent to kill you yes. But know this. Your the only one I've ever introduced myself to with my real name. Your the only one that I've ever kissed. And even now, I'm supposed to have my gun on me to kill you after this special, and I left it at home! Ever since I slept over here and woke up in your arms, I felt completely different about this mission. I don't want to do it. Please believe me.
Chresanto: ...............b-but (clears throat) won't they kill you for not succeeding on the mission?
Lèvanna: probably, but for you, it would be worth it ,*hugs him*
Chresanto: *hugs back*
Lèvanna: C'mon lemme show you something.
Chresanto: where we going?
Lèvanna: you'll see just get in the car.
Chresanto: um ok
Lèvanna: *drives to an old house* you see that house there. That was my home before I was taken. I remember momma and papa still *starts to cry* I hated myself for killing those people, and I still do. I've been forced to kill my whole life! I don't even remember what it was like when I didn't have people's blood all over my hands. Now the police is looking for me, and now things are just gonna get worse.
Chresanto: *rubs her back* I'm sorry.
Lèvanna: you said that you were there the day I was taken. Were you really?
Chresanto: yea I don't remember seeing you though sorry.
Lèvanna: its ok
Chresanto: so that dream I had...
Lèvanna: yup all true. I honestly have no idea why you had it though.
Chresanto: who knows. ...let's go back
Lèvanna: ok *makes a U-turn*

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