What Have I Done

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Lèvanna's POV
Oh my god! What have I done?! What have I done?!

??: Wow, you hit the bullseye.
Lèvanna: shut up! This is your fault!

I ran over to him and checked his pulse, he was gone. I didn't know if I wanted to cry or rejoice. If Nicki found out..........

Nicki: *gasps* DRAKE! *turns to Lèvanna* WHAT DID YOU DO?!
Lèvanna: I-I....
Nicki: *runs over to him* YOU KILLED HIM!
Lèvanna: I didn't mean too!
Nicki: *pulls out gun* I'LL KILL YOU!
Lèvanna: I didn't mean to! I- gco
Nicki: SHUT UP! SHUT UP! *aims gun at her*

I closed my eyes waiting for her to kill me. I counted a total of seven shots. I didn't feel any pain though. I let myself float around in the darkness of what used to be my mind, when someone tapped me.

Chresanto: Lèvanna. *shakes her* LÈVANNA!
Lèvanna: huh? What? Why am I still alive? How did you get up?

I looked to my right, and there she was, lying face down on the ground. A pool of blood was forming around her head.
Lèvanna: Nicki?
Chresanto: I had too, she was going to kill you. But we need to get out of here before anybody else finds out.
Lèvanna: o-ok *slowly gets up*
Chresanto: umm O.o how do we get out of here?
Lèvanna: *press her hand on the wall, which opens up reavealing a long corridor* lets go.

Chresanto's POV
We walked down to the parking lot and hopped in her car. Before she turned the car on she started ripping things off of the car.

Chresanto: what are you doing?
Lèvanna: their tracking devices * throws them down and stomps on them* that should give us enough time to reach out of state
Chresanto: what are we waiting for then?
Lèvanna: nothing I guess *drives off*

7 hours later

Lèvanna: Chresanto
Chresanto: *barely awake* hmm?
Lèvanna: wake up!
Chresanto: huh? What happened?
Lèvanna: we're here
Chresanto: *looks around* O.o where exactly is "here" cause to me it looks like we're in the middle of nowhere.
Lèvanna: your funny. Get out the car *starts to get out*
Chresanto: alright I'm out now still don't see anything
Lèvanna: *throws a rock into the air, it hits an invisible force field* you see that? There is a house beyond this force field. The force field makes it seem like there is nothing but trees, but if you use the right code to open it, you'll see a hideout mansion
Chresanto: um how exactly do you give the code.
Lèvanna: you'll see *throws rocks at certain places of the force field
Voice: code accepted
Chresanto: cool
Lèvanna: ikr, any way let's go *gets back in the car and drives to the hideout*
At the place

Chresanto: I just realized. If you know where this is, doesn't everyone you work with know too?
Lèvanna: nope, the force field creates a black spot, so any tracker they put on me doesn't work, and I made this without their knowledge, we could literally lived here for ever.
Chresanto: cool
Lèvanna: hey I'm sorry about the whole "betrayal" thing
Chresanto: its cool, I still love you
Lèvanna: wow, you must have a big heart cause if I were you I don't think I could still love.
Chresanto: * laughs* well idk maybe I do. Um, you have any men's clothes here? I want to take a shower.
Lèvanna: yea just go upstairs and the third bedroom to the right has clothes for you.
Chresanto: thanks *goes upstairs*
Chresanto's POV
*in the shower*
I don't know if I should trust her, but something about her just makes me want to trust and love her. I got out the shower and put on some shorts, and went downstairs.

Chresanto: hey
Lèvanna: hey
Chresanto: *sits next to her* you ok?
Lèvanna: yea I'm fine
Chresanto: look at me
Lèvanna: *looks at him* yes?
Chresanto: *kisses her* I love you, ok?
Lèvanna: love you too *hugs him*
Chresanto: *starts to kiss her neck*
Lèvanna: *moans softly* n-no
Chresanto: *takes off her shirt and gets ontop of her*
Lèvanna: *pushes him off her* No! No no no no! Keep that to yourself, don't want it, nope uh-uh *shakes her head*
Chresanto: you're funny
Lèvanna: I'm not ready for that stuff yet, no
Chresanto: why not?
Lèvanna: cause I'm not looking to have kids right now
Chresanto: who said I was gonna get you pregnant?
Lèvanna: because first off, there is no condoms here, and second, you need practice to have that strong of a pull-out game. And I'm sure you haven't had practice.... Right?
Chresanto: ..............
Lèvanna: Chresanto?
Chresanto: *nervous laugh* um yea sure
Lèvanna: O.o *moves to the other side of the couch* you keep yourself over there
Chresanto: but-gco
Lèvanna: uh uh nope, stay over there *watches the TV*
Chresanto: baby *scoots closer to her*
Lèvanna: don't touch me.
Chresanto: are you mad?
Lèvanna: no, just very weirded out
Chresanto: hey she came onto me
Lèvanna: TMI! Chresanto, I really don't care, so drop it ok?
Chresanto: ok, but can I cuddle with you?
Lèvanna: no
Chresanto: can I at least sit next to you
Lèvanna: umm.........
Chresanto: Please?!
Lèvanna: *rolls eyes* fine
Chresanto: yay! *grabs her into a tight hug*
Lèvanna: NO TOUCHING! NO TOUCHING! *tries to wrestle out his arms* LET ME GO!
Chresanto: ok *lets her go and she falls on the floor*
Lèvanna: *gives him the death stare* I bet you thought that was funny
Chresanto: I did. But seriously don't be mad at me please or else
Lèvanna: how you goin threaten me while asking for forgiveness?
Chresanto: cause I can
Lèvanna: so or else what?
Chresanto: I'll turn into Ne-Yo
Lèvanna: that doesn't even remotely make sense.
Chresanto: *starts singing at the top of his lungs; purposefully sounding bad* Girl I don't wanna go to bed, Mad at you, and I don't want you to go to bed, mad at me!
Lèvanna: Oh Lawrd! Stop please I'm not mad at all! See I'm smiling *gives a fake smile*
Chresanto: that's a fake smile *continues to sing*
Chresanto: *starts laughing* So you sure your not mad?
Lèvanna: I am 100% sure. And please,for god's sake, take some singing lessons.
Chresanto: well I think my voice is perfect
Lèvanna: I object!
Chresanto: *laughs* I love you
Lèvanna: love you too *hugs him*
Chresanto: *whispers in her ear* You have a ten seconds to run
Lèvanna: why?
Chresanto: because I'm getting ready to turn into the tickle monster.
Lèvanna: -_- nigga really?
Chresanto: you think I'm playing, but I take tickles very seriously.
Lèvanna: wow, and your supposed to be the son of a top drug lord, and here you are threatening to tickle me. *smh*
Chresanto: fine. You wanna wrestle then?
Lèvanna: no not really
Chresanto: *whines* you're sooooo boring!
Lèvanna: wow thanks, I try
Chresanto: your welcome. you got popcorn?
Lèvanna: yea
Chresanto: wanna watch a movie then?
Lèvanna: sure
2 hours later
Chresanto: that was nice
Lèvanna: yea, well I'm tired, good night *starts to walk upstairs*
Chresanto: good night *smirks*
Lèvanna: what? What are you smirking about?
Chresanto: nuthin'
Lèvanna: uh-huh I'm watching you

Lèvanna's POV
I walked to my room and took a shower, then I put on my pj's and tried to go to sleep.

Chresanto: *lays next to her; whispers in her ear* babe
Lèvanna: Chresanto, I'm trying to sleep
Chresanto: but I'm not tired
Lèvanna: then go downstairs and watch TV
Chresanto: but I don't want to be by myself, I want to be with you
Lèvanna: then go to sleep with me
Chresanto: but I'm not tired!
Lèvanna: ok then what do you want me to do?!
Chresanto: *smirks*
Lèvanna: no
Chresanto: please?!
Lèvanna: no go away
Chresanto: fine but you'll have to eventually
Lèvanna: who says?
Chresanto: if you're right, we will be here for a while. And one day, you'll be ready.
Lèvanna: nope
Chresanto: yes you will. And I will continue to remind you why you need it.
Lèvanna: no I will never "need" it especially not from you
Chresanto: what's that supposed to mean?
Lèvanna: nothing, nothing. Alright, you stated your business, now leave.
Chresanto: no, I want to know why you don't want it from me
Lèvanna: Chresanto, I don't want to talk about this
Chresanto: but I do, so tell me
Lèvanna: *sighs* because I just don't
Chresanto: why
Chresanto: whatever
Lèvanna: what? you mad now?
Chresanto: a little. I mean that hurts my self-esteem
Lèvanna: I'm sorry, can I make you feel better
Chresanto: *starts to smile*
Lèvanna: besides that
Chresanto: man, idk, I kinda had my heart set on it
Lèvanna: O.o why tho?
Chresanto: cause I have my reasons.
Lèvanna: right. So I'm going to sleep now
Chresanto: ok
Lèvanna: you gonna leave or?
Chresanto: nah I'm tired too.
Lèvanna: ok goodnight
Chresanto: ditto

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