A Thing Called Friendship Part 1...

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Chapter 1

Rumbling. The only loud thing you could hear was rumbling. What was that sound and where was it coming from? BOOM! The wall had a hole in it. The wall revealed Prince Comet Dragonfly riding on another wild dragon from the dimension. Prince Comet was a very interesting Prince. He was wild, crazy, outgoing, and he knew how to protect himself. As himself, he was always excited and so full of energy. But, today, wasn't like any other day. It was his 14th birthday and as traditional on Mewni, the royal wand was now supposed to be passed down to him. He rode his dragon throughout the halls yelling in excitement.

"Sorry! Excuse me! Watch it! Out of the way please!" He yelled over the angry people of the castle. His wild dragon knocked down everything in sight. Glass was shattered on the floor, pictures were dropped, clothes were everywhere. Comet rushed through on the dragon until they both got to the throne room. Comet jumped off the dragon before it flew right out the wall leaving another hole. He landed right in front of his mom and dad, King Crescent and Queen Lunar.

"Hey, mom and dad. You know what day it is!" He said with excitement. He noticed the wand in his father's hands. He gasped in all it's glory. He grabbed it out of his father's hand and it instantly turned to a crescent moon with a blue light Illuminating in it with silver vines attached around the bottom. The wand glowed in Comet's hands. His smile grew wider. He was about to leave the room right then and there but his mother put her hand on his shoulder.

"Comet, don't even think about it. We want to test your ability with the wand and shape you up." Comet's face had a frown.

"Please, Mom! Don't send me to St. Olga's Deform School for Wayward Princes! I'm begging you!" Comet got on his knees and hugged his mother's legs. She rolled her eyes and removed Comet from her legs.

"We won't send you there. Yet." King Crescent said. Comet looked at his parents confused for a second.

"What do you mean by not yet?" Comet leaned his head over.

"We are going to send you to another dimension on the planet, Earth. There you will test your powers and use them responsibly." His mother said. Comet wasn't happy that he had to leave Mewni but if it meant he would be near St. Olga, then he was going to agree.

|| Earth ||

"So, you guys should remember to study for the quiz and I mean it this time. I don't want any excuses." Ms. Elle spoke to the class. Ms. Elle is one of the nicest teachers in the school. If only she had the nicest kids. Well, she had a good amount but the rude ones caused most of the trouble. One of the kids is Margo Diaz. A girl with waist length hair. Her hair is a light brown color. She usually wore a red jacket with either sweatpants, shorts, or a skirt below it. And she wore the same black converses the same day too. That's basically her signature look. She is known for being called 'The Safety Girl' all because she was cautious about everything. She rarely got into trouble and she had good grades. If only she could live up to have a little adventure in her life. The intercom squeaked before saying something.

"Margo Diaz, please come to the principal's office. Margo Diaz to the principal's office at the time." Everyone turned to Margo as she slowly got up from her seat and walked over to the exit. Behind her, she could hear the snickering of the jocks.

"Well, I wonder what Safety Girl actually did." One of them whispered. Ignored the voices and quickly walked over to the principal's office. She grabbed the knob and opened it quickly. The other 3 looked and this was the first time Comet and Margo actually made contact with each other.

Comet felt a tingly sensation run throughout his body. As if things were going to be worth it all. He felt as if he knew Margo already.

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