A Thing Called Friendship Part 2...

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Chapter 2

Margo has always been annoyed at some point, but never was she really mad at anything until now. The maddest she has ever been before.

"What was that?!" She yelled in anger. Comet only twirled his wand in his hand.

"It was my magic, see?" He turned Margo around so she can look. Her room was way bigger than what it looked on the outside. Her room was covered in sparkles and magic specks. "Do you like it?" Comet asked her. Margo was in pure shock and completely frozen. She didn't know what else to do.

"Wait, you aren't going to do anything else are you?" She asked him softly this time. He accidentally sets off his wand and his magic blasts the floor creating puppies. "Well, I guess these puppies are okay." Margo smiled a bit. She was wrong. The puppies had lazer vision and it hit Margo in the face. "Ah!" She screamed before falling down. Comet looked at her confused for he adored the puppies.

"Why are you screaming? These puppies are just so adorable." He said with a smirk. Now, Margo didn't find any of this funny. "Let me add some sunshine to your day." Comet said. A gray cloud appeared over Margo's head and she got drenched in water.

"That's it. I'm done. I am trying to accept this Comet but I can't. If you move in, I'll move out. Enjoy my house." Margo said while walking away from her room. She ran downstairs and left Comet alone in her room. He frowned and he sat next to one of the lazer puppies.

"Wow, I hate it here. Maybe going to St. Olga's was a good idea." Comet grumbled why petting one of the puppies. Talk about them not getting one the right track.

"Have you found his location already?" The vulture asked his minions. He had a cow skull on his head like a hat. He also had and robe that was covered in dead vines and grasses.

"Yup, he is on the planet known as Earth." The minion spoke. The green vulture nodded his head in approval.

"Well, I'm coming for you, Comet Dragonfly." The vulture smirked before laughing evily.

With Margo...

Margo was now near a quick shopping store. She had to stay outside considering she is covered in water. Then a man started to walk to the entrance.

"Hey, you." Margo said to the man. He turned around and stared at her in confusion. "I'll owe you a solid if you refill this cup for me. I can't go in because I'm wet." She groaned. The man only ignored her and walked inside and Margo rolled her eyes. Next, appeared to be a woman who was pushing a baby in a stroller. "Lady, can you refill my drink for me?" Margo asked again.

"Just don't make eye contact." The lady whispered to her child. She pushed the stroller fast and was away from Margo.

"Man, people can be cruel these days." She said under her breath.

"What are you doing here?" A voice said. Margo gotten startled and she turned around only to find Comet right behind her.

"Well, I'm living out here. What are you doing here?" She asked him. Comet frowned a bit.

"I came to look for you and I really wanted to say something." He said. Before Comet could say anything else, a portal opened next to them and the green vulture came out with his minions behind him. "Luda! What are you doing here?" Comet asked him. He clenched his wand and it glowed a dark blue color.

"I want your wand and now you are cornered. Get him." He growled to his minions. One ran toward Comet but then it didn't touch him. Instead, Margo kicked it away and the minion hit the others. Comet looked at Margo for a moment.

"How, did you do that?" He asked in awe.

"It's something called karate." She said before kicking another minion down. Luda started to get angry.

"I thought he was unguarded! Get the wand!" He yelled in fury. The minions ran to Comet all at once. He jumped on top of one and then into the air. Then, his wand stated to glow the dark shade of blue and it change. The crescent moon gotten bigger. A Dragonfly symbol was placed upon it and then a diamond grew in the center of the moon and on the stick of the wand. Comet raised the wand up in the air.

"Alright wand, let's see what you can do. Jelly Bean Hallucination Blast." He said. The wand glowed up and a beam was aiming towards Luda and his minions. All of them gotten blinded and beaten down. Luda groaned and he stomped his feet like a little child.

"Ugh, we will get you next time Comet Dragonfly. I swear." He growled. Then, Luda created a portal for his minions to go through and they all disappeared. Margo smiled.

"Wow, that was awesome. Right Comet?" She asked. Comet was not near her. He was walking away from her. Margo ran after Comet and stopped him. "Woah, where are you going?"

"You don't want me around so I'll just find another family to live with." He said sadly. Margo stopped him once again and he looked her in the eyes.

"Comet, I know I haven't been the nicest person to you. But, I was just so confused and I felt like I wasn't ready for this whole thing. I am really sorry about that." Margo said. Comet smiled at bit.

"Yeah, I know. But, it's my fault because I never really knew how to control my powers yet. But, I think that I will get it soon. I just need some practice and I know I'll get it." He smiled.

"Well, I am here for support if you want it." Margo said. Comet nodded his head.

"Thanks Margo."

"Okay, I think that we should start this whole day over and do it right." She said.

"Well, hello there." Comet smiled.

"Hi, I'm Margo Diaz and I will be your roommate and tour guide."

"I'm Comet Dragonfly and I am a magical Prince with powers."

"Well, I think that this is the start to a beautiful friendship." Margo said before wrapping her arm around Comet's arm. Comet wrapped his arm around Margo's waist and they walked back to Margo's home...

*So, that is the part 2 and I am trying my best to update more of this story too. And by the way, this story will only have like 11 chapter and that's until Season 2 comes out. And I can't wait for Season 2 of Star vs The Forces Of Evil to come out.*

HappyMila >>> HMStarHalston

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