A Thing Called Mewberty...

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Chapter 3

BTW: This story won't be in the order of the series itself.

It all started when Art Class was finished. Margo grabbed her grey backpack and looked towards Comet when she noticed a green heart that was on his forehead.

"Comet, I think you got some green paint on your forehead." Comet looked at her confused before grabbing the green heart. It was on his hand and Comet gasped, his face was full of shock and worry.

"Margo, this isn't paint." Comet said. Margo looked at him for a moment. "Oh, no! This is bad!" He spoke. Comet paced back and forth until another heart appeared.

"Well, looks like you are growing another heart." Margo spoke to him. Comet rolled his eyes.

"Margo, this isn't a joke. I'm going through," Comet took a deep breath. "Mewberty" he whispered the last part. Margo almost didn't hear him.

"Mewberty? Sounds like Puberty." Margo spoke. Just then, Comet had green hearts that covered his pink hearts on his cheek. Comet took deep breaths.

"No time to be talking about how Earth does it. This is going to get seriously weird." Margo stopped at the door and she turned around to face Comet.

"You mean 'regular' Comet weird or 'could destroy the school' weird?" Margo asked him.

"Destroy the school." He spoke. Margo winced.

"Well, I was afraid of that. Come on, let's get you back to my place." Margo said as they walked out the door. Comet used his jacket sleeve to cover the hearts. They walked past a bunch of girls. Comet noticed one walking towards him and his pupils turned into a heart shape.

"Hi, there." He spoke with shyness. Margo noticed this and pushed him forwards so he wouldn't do something. Then, another girl was get a drink of water and Comet stood next to her as his pupils turned into hearts again. His breathing was uneven and he placed his finger where the water was coming out. The girl looked at him confused and Comet smiled. "My turn." He said. Margo grabbed his arm and pulled him behind her. Just then, a vine of hearts came out of Comet's arms and attached itself to the locker. While that happened, Margo's hand was covered in hearts. The two of them screamed as Comet tried to pull away from the locker.

"Margo, this isn't working! You need to keep me away from girls. You need to cure my Mewberty." Comet grabbed Margo's collar and they were face to face.

"Don't worry, Comet. I'll help you get through this." She spoke. Margo removed Comet's hands and they made contact. Just then, realization hit Comet as he backed away into the locker.

"No you can't help me! You're a girl! I have to stay away from you!" Comet then closed the locker door. Margo rolled her eyes and shook some of the hearts off her hand.

"Wait, what about your magic book? Maybe that can help you. Where is it?" Margo asked Comet.

"I gave it to Ferlin." Margo looked at the locker door in confusion.

"Why did you give it Ferlin?" Margo asked Comet. He shrugged.

"I don't know but just get it for me." Comet whined. More hearts appeared and he felt like he was going to cry. "Margo, just do it already."

"Alright, just stay there and don't do anything at all." Then, Margo left in a hurry trying to find Ferlin. Margo looked around until she noticed Ferlin in Spanish class. Margo snuck near the window close to Ferlin.

"Ferlin, I need your help." She whispered.

"Margo, estoy en la clase de español por lo que necesita para hablar en español." Ferlin spoke in Spanish.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2016 ⏰

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