18'Oct'15 (4:16 Am)

6 1 0

Life changes.

Dear diary,
Life changes so fast doesn't it? It's almost the end of the year. And it's so diffrent. I started this year with diffrent people and I'm ending it with diffrent people. I wonder who'll stick with me in another year or two.. Life is just so unpredictable. I mean who knew that a girl who's just sixteen will have to go through all this.

Everything was just fine but then i don't know where did my sickness came from, where did all these financial crises came from, or where did everyone go when I need them. He says I talk like I'm really old and i realised that I do. I was not like this. I was carefree and fun. But now everything's so... It's so limited and bounded. I never wanted to be like this. I never wanted to be on a way that leads to death.

Why do things have to change? I miss everything. I regret alot of things. I want to compensate for a lot of things. I want many things to be done. I want to do many things. I just dont want to die like this. Because time has a bad habit of continuing and i have a bad habit of delaying. It feels like one day my time will end and things will still be incomplete.

The only good thing in my life is also coming to end. He's going away from me. He's going to her. He's going to leave me because he knows that I'll die. I don't care if he loves me or not, but i do love him I think I will till the day I die.

I wish I have some more time...

Anna fox.

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