The One"Throwing Her Engagement Ring"

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In the past couple of days, 5sos and Off Fire released a new tour together. Everybody in the bands are caught up on this stupid stunt we have to pull. They know that it's fake and bullshit. They know we're canceling this tour and making our own two tours, they know that it'll be over in a while, not soon enough though. I'm not excited about this. How are Luke and I going to see each other on our tours when we're in completely different areas of the world?


Luke and I just arrived to coffee. We've met a couple people and took a couple pictures. Theres paparazzi outside, taking pictures of us. Now we're sat down, drinking coffee. I'm texting Jessica, figuring out when we're staging our fake breakup.

Me-2:34 PM: make sure that I have a car to get into when I leave. I already don't want to be doing this.

Jessica-2:34 PM: oh please, luke has his car and theres another black car on it's way now. don't worry about it.

Me-2:35 PM: I'm fucking worried about my boyfriend and i breaking up. you wouldn't understand, you're not being forced to breakup with somebody you're in love with.

Jessica-2:36 PM: Stop being so dramatic. it's happening in less than 5 minutes. get really angry, try for some tears!!!

Me:2:36 PM: whatever.

"Kiss me." I say to Luke. He looks at me confused. "It's happening in less than 5 minutes. We can't be seen together for months. Kiss me now."

Luke pulls me forward, giving me a passionate kiss. God, will I miss this.

Jessica: 2:39 PM: get ready. it's happening now.

"It's happening now. I want you to know now that I love you so much and I won't stop loving you. And what I'm going to say isn't real." I tell Luke, spitting it out fast.

"I love you too and I promise I'll never stop loving you either. I know, the stuff I say won't be real either." Luke tells me. All of a sudden my phone starts blowing up with notifications. I start reading through them and my heart starts pounding. I try to act confused and than look up at him.

"What is this?" I ask.

"What do you mean?" Luke asks right back.

"This? Who is this girl?"

"I've never seen her in my life."

"Luke, don't lie to me. Everybody is saying you were with her after a show last week." I hate this.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Haliee."

"Luke! Who is this? Did you cheat on me?" I ask confused, slightly raising my voice. Luke puts both of his hands in his hair. I feel my heart pounding and tears flooding my eyes due to that this is the last time for a long time I'll be able to be with Luke publicly. "I'm done."

"Haliee, don't." Luke stands right as I stand.

"Leave me alone." My voice cracks, I throw my engagement ring at him. I grab my phone and walk right out of the coffee house with Luke trailing behind me. Tears are completely taking over my body.

"Haliee, please." Luke tries to touch my shoulder and I shrug it off me. Camera flashes are burning my eyes and people yelling are flooding my ears and this all seems to be happening in slow motion. It doesn't seem real. It seems to be happening straight out of a movie. I make it to the car and get in, shutting Luke out. I look to him as the driver drives away.

I can't help but sob. What the hell is this crazy bullshit? My finger feels empty without my ring on. I can't believe I just did that. My body is shaking from all the tears I've cried. I try to pull it together by breathing but, it just makes it worse because all I can think about is Luke. Speaking of him, his name pops up on my phone.

Tired *Book 2* (Luke Hemmings, LH, L.H)Where stories live. Discover now