The One Where We Reunite (DISCRETION)

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Michael and I finish lunch, walk out to our cars and try to avoid paps. I open my car door and hop in. I start my car, plug my phone into the AUX cord and put on my music. Of course 'Girls Talk Boys' comes on. I can't help but turn it all the way up and belt it while I drive.

"WHEN THE GIRLS! WHEN THE GIRLS TALK, WHEN THE GIRLS TALK BOYS!" I sing and dance in my seat. I follow Mikey as he drives.

"When you're talking to your girls, do you talk about me? Do you say that I'm a sweetheart? Do you say that I'm a freak? Do you tell them white lies? Do you tell 'em the truth? Do you tell 'em that you love me, the way I been lovin' you?" I basically yell. Shit my man, Luke sounds so hot in this song. Now I'm in such a good mood, because I'm getting to see Luke. I haven't been this happy since we were publicly together.

"Cause every night you and I find ourselves. Kissing and touching like no one else, falling and falling until I fell... For you!"

By the time I get to Michael & Dani's apartment, I've gotten to the last chorus line. I take the keys out of the ignition and hop out of the car.

I walk towards Michael and we go to the door together.

"Luke's here?" I ask.

"Yeah, but he doesn't know you're here. It's a surprise." Michael's eyes light up as he unlocks his entryway. We take the elevator upstairs.

"Thank you." I say, giving him a hug.

"Of course, I just want the best for the both of you and clearly you both need to see each other." Michael smiles. The doors open and we walk down the hallway to the 9th door and he unlocks it. "Wait there for a second."

"Okay." I smile.

He opens the door and I peak in from the corner, and see Luke sitting on the couch on his phone, he's wearing black sweatpants, a black & grey striped t-shirt & a black snapback. Dani is sitting right next to him in a pair of black running shorts, one of Michaels sweatshirts & her hair is up in a ponytail, she's watching Gilmore Girls.

"Hey guys." Michael says.

"Hey baby, how was lunch with Hales?" Dani asks, pausing her show.

"Why don't you ask her yourself?" Michael says, pulling me in the door. Luke looks up and his eyes light up. He jumps straight out of his seat, runs towards me, and brings me into the tightest hug ever. I put my arms around his neck, he lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist.

"Hi baby." I laugh, wrapping my arms around him tighter. We stand there together for another minute before he puts me down.

"Hi." Luke smiles, giving me a kiss.

"Hey Hales, how are you?" Dani asks.

"I'm so good right now. How are you?" I respond, giving her a hug.


"Why didn't you tell me she was coming?" Luke asks Michael, while he wraps his arm around me.

"I wanted to surprise you!" Michael says, giving Dani a kiss while he walks to set his keys down.

"Well, you did." Luke smiles down at me, giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"Mike, we need to go to the store for dinner. What do you guys want?" Dani asks.

"I'll eat anything. Have Michael pick, he's the best at choosing stuff." I reply.

"Alright, Mikey. Grab your keys, I'll grab my shoes and I'll meet you in the car." Dani says, heading to the front hall closet. Michael nods, grabs his keys again and heads out the front door. She grabs a pair of nikes and slips them on. "All righty, we'll be back in like an hour, hour an a half." she says before heading out the door.

I turn towards Luke and wrap my arms around him again. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." Luke smiles, giving me a kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck.

He slides his hands from my back, to my butt. I move my hands from his neck to his hair, I tug on it a little because I know he likes it. He moans slightly. I move my hands to his shirt and lift it up. He's been working out more than normal, his abs feel more defined and I'm definitely into it. I kick my shoes off and he slides my leggings off. I press my body closer to his and I feel his lower half getting tighter and tighter in his sweats. I slide my hands down his pants to his bulge and he inhales sharply and breaks the kiss between us two. He moves his mouth to my neck. I close my eyes and feel his every move. I feel down his body to his pants and unbutton them, he slides them down his legs. I pull away and run towards the guest bedroom. Luke follows after.

I climb on the bed and pull Luke in with me. He takes my shirt off and starts to kiss me again. He kisses his way down my neck and stomach, he take my underwear off and...

"Oh my god, Luke!" I moan. He slips two fingers in at once, making me raise my torso in a sharp inhale. He pumps them fast, then slow, and rubs my clit with his thumb at the same time. He moves his thumb and puts his mouth there instead. He keeps his fingers moving and his mouth too, making my toes curl. I put my fingers in his hair, pushing my torso closer to him. I'm almost there, almost there and he stops. He takes his fingers out and puts them in his mouth.

"Why'd you stop?" I ask, out of breath.

"Because, we're not done... Yet." Luke says, he grabs his wallet from the side table and grabs a packet out, rips it open and I move down the bed and take down his briefs. I take the packet from him and slide it on my self, extra slow. I move back up the bed and lay back down.

He slides in and starts thrusting slow, then progressively getting faster.

"Luke!" I moan. Luke makes small groans after every thrust, he's so quiet. "Oh my god!"

He buries his face into my neck and whispers that he loves me after every thrust. I tangle my hands in his hair, turning my face towards his jaw. I give him a kiss there, moaning towards his neck. I suck on the side of his neck, up towards the side of his jaw and Luke starts doing the same to me.

I stop once he does that, because I can't keep my self handled. I can tell Luke is almost there and so am i.

"Oh my god, I'm almost there." I keep moaning. He thrusts 2 more times and I climax, giving out almost a scream. Luke thusts another couple times, making me shake, before falling on top of me. We breath heavy next to each other. I turn toward him and give him a kiss.

"God, I missed you." I breathe.

"And I miss how amazing you are in bed." Luke laughs.

Tired *Book 2* (Luke Hemmings, LH, L.H)Where stories live. Discover now