The One With The Clubbing

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Hey guys, i know... I'm a terrible person. I haven't updated in almost 2 months. I just got home from italy and two days after i got back, moved into a new home and haven't had time to sit down a write a chapter. I'm sorry, so here's another chapter. I'll be updating more frequently now that i'm settled. Now, theres a trailer for this story created by one of my lovely readers, please watch:)


I decide it's a good time to tweet the cancelation of the joint tour, first on the Off Fire band account and then my own.

OFFOffical: hey guys, i'm sorry to announce that the joint tour between 5sos & us is being canceled. Money will be refunded asap. On the brighter side, Off Fire is releasing a new tour so, stay excited bc tickets will be out on sale soon. Again, sorry:-( -haliee

HalieeRodes: hey everybody, i'm extremely sorry about the cancelation of the tour but don't worry! Off Fire will be releasing a separate tour in the next day or two. it'll still be fun & we'll be back w/ info soon!!!

Thankfully i'm finished with that. I've successfully finished one song, which is super great because we're still working on our new album that'll be released soon. My phone dings and i go to check who it is, hoping it's not Jessica.

Mikey- 8:34 PM: hey, ik u probably don't wanna go out tonight but jessica wants you to and wanted me to ask u instead of her. i'm really sorry. it'll be me, dani, lexi, cal, blair, ash, aaron, sam and his girlfriend avery.

Mikey- 8:34 PM: Ik it's probably not something u wanna do. but I'm thinking lot's of drinking. u know that we do that well

Me- 8:34 PM: I guess, drinking sounds actually perfect.

Mikey- 8:35 PM: avery, blair, dani and lexi will be over to the apartment soon. i think you'll like avery, she's really nice.


I hear a knock on my door and go to get it. I open it and there stands my friends. They all embrace me in a huge hug.

"Hey." I say as they squeeze me. "Come on in"

They all walk in and I shut the door.

"Hi, I'm Haliee. I probably look like a mess but, nice to finally meet you." I say to Avery, before bring her into a hug.

"Really nice to meet you, I've heard so much about you." Avery replies.

"All good, I hope." I smile.

"Oh yeah, Sam loves you and Lexi." Avery tells me.

"Okay, lets get ready." Dani says before wrapping one of her arms around my shoulder. 


I've gotten ready- although, i'm not even close to being ready to go out and face the public. The girls surround me as we walk outside, shielding me from all the cameras around me. The questions being thrown at me from peoples mouths is driving me mad. 

We finally reach the car that's waiting for us and i release a breath. I didn't even realize i was holding my breath. 

"You okay?" Blair asks, sitting next to me.

"Yeah, fine." I respond. 

"We're going to pick up the guys." Lexi tells me. I nod and stay quiet the rest of the ride there.


We reach Michael's house where all the guys are and text them we're here. Cal, Aaron, Sam, Ash and Mike come out a second later, greeting us all. Michael gives Dani and kiss, then sits next to me, putting his arm over my shoulders.

Tired *Book 2* (Luke Hemmings, LH, L.H)Where stories live. Discover now