Chapter 1

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What is this life that we are expected to be the best at everything? I would answer: I'm not sure.

Everything comes for a reason, but why must it come for us? Even the most unfortunate things happen to us.

we expect the best, but we know that we won't always get what we want and have to buckle down on our emotions.

If I were to say you were ugly, would you believe it?

I would.

Only cause when I look in the mirror I disgust myself.

I wake up everyday wanting to die.

I have lost all of my friends, my cousins and aunts hate me.

When I'm alone at the end of the day, and I am by pain medicine, its like a 'why not?' Feeling.

Wanting to suffocate.

Wanting to stab myself till I feel no more pain.

This pain that I feel, can't rub off that easily.

My heart hurts.

I want to make everyone laugh and be happy, when I can't even be happy myself.

I over think things.

Maybe it would be a good idea to just quit trying?

What am I worth to this world?

I have no purpose.

Can't my heart, just have a break?


This life isn't about giving up. But if you have no purpose to live for, then why try?

I'm so alone at the end of the day.

I really want a friend.

Someone who won't screw with my head.

I'm so alone, I really, really want someone to talk to at the end of the day. Someone to go out with, maybe?

I'm trying so hard to please everyone.

Trying to not be judged everywhere I go.

Even if we all live in a judgemental world.

But look at the negatives and the positives.

My list has more negatives than positives, but at least I have a positive in my life. Something to live by.

I want to feel normal. I want to fit in. I've done everything I can to fit in.

Buy what was it worth in the end?

All my hard work? I was told I wasn't working hard enough.

I'm in so much pain. I've done so many things wrong.

I just want my suffering to end.

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