The Soul-Saver - Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Even thinking back about it, now Months later… I get the shivers. I remember saying to myself and my colleagues: “This boy is gone… he’ll never recover from this…” Fuck… I don’t know if I will.

I got the callout to the suburban house, in a kind of panic: “Officers down. 10 Maple Street Brooklyn. Proceed with caution.” My partner Ann, and I were closest to the scene so we responded, and made our way over to the said address.

The front door was open. Weapons drawn, we walked into the already open front door of the house, which opened up into the main living room.

Five officers, were on the floor some knocked out cold, some moaning in pain… broken.

There was blood everywhere. In the middle of the Living room between broken furniture was a boy of about 17,  covered in blood, frantically giving CPR to the body of an elderly woman. Doing chest compression on her counting: “One, two, three, four, five” Then bending down to her, severed head ,that was being held in the limp hands of an obviously dead elderly man. He would hold her nose and blow gently into her open mouth, with the air wheezing out of her severed neck, then he would commence with the compressions. “One, two, three, four, five”, stop bend down blow, back to compressions… talking all the while. “Don’t worry dad, Mom is going to be OK. Don’t you worry… I’ll save her”

It was obvious they were dead, and were dead already for quite some time… Ann, my partner, wanted to go to him, I put a restraining hand on her shoulder and said: “This boy is gone… he’ll never recover from this…” He was obviously dangerous, looking at the officers lying about, so I tazed him.

We put him in handcuffs, and put him in the back of the police vehicle. His eyes were open but just staring out as if he saw nothing, heard nothing, and knew nothing.

At the police station, we tried, unsuccessfully to speak to him. In his cell he would just sit in, what Inspector Chan called a full lotus position, legs crossed, with hands resting on the knees thumb pressed to the ring-finger of each hand, staring out blankly, looking absolutely at peace… but seemed not to hear any question put to him. He would just look at you with those peaceful blue eyes, but it did not appear that he even heard or registered any question? “Who are you? what were you doing there? How old are you? Are you hungry? Do you want something to drink?” nothing would get him to answer anything.

After 4 hours, someone gave him a bottle of water, but he just looked at it with no comprehension. When we put the bottle to his lips, and he felt the water, he drank, almost like by some kind of reflection. Same with food, we had to have him fed, else he would just sit there. This we only realized about 3 days later, when I asked the cell operators about his eating habbits… The bloody idiots, noticed that he did not touch his food, but no-one thought it a problem, said they thought he’d start eating when he was hungy enough.

In the meantime, we figured a few things out on our own.

His name was Andrew, son of, the now deceased, Ethen and Elizabeth Hunt. From the investigation it was clear he was not the murderer of his parents but must have come onto the scene, as the murder weapon was nowhere to be found and there were evidence of a break in. Elizabeth and Ethen were obviously the victim of a planned hit, of some kind as there were no evidence of anything taken from the scene.

All 5 officers that were down and out on the scene, were alive and well, even though 1 had a dislocated shoulder, 1 had a  broken arm, 1 had his knee ligaments torn severely, and needed surgery to re-attach it, he would be on crutches for at least 6 months and the last 2 had been knocked out cold.

Apparently, they also came into the room with Andrew performing CPR on his mom. The furniture were however not broken at the time, they went forward and tried to get him to stop, telling him that it was over, they were dead. The first officer tried to pat him on his shoulder but, Andrew must have grabbed the hand and threw him in an arc into an old rocking chair, which broke but entangled the officer. Before the others had a chance to really re-act, he was among them and in a question of seconds they were all knocked down and unconscious. Two were hit in the side of the neck with something like a Karate chop. 1 managed to get his gun drawn but Andrew grabbed his hand, and pushing his arm out and extended to the side he slammed into his elbow with his shoulder, breaking his arm. He lost his gun, and got hit with the same gun on the side of the head ending his cry of pain abruptly. The last officer instead tried to tackle Andrew but instead found his friend with the broken arm in his way, when he managed to get around him, his front leg collapsed inward at the knee, he says he must have been kicked but did not really see one, he fell to the floor and grabbed his knee, when he must have been kicked in the back of the neck by a mule, cause he also completely blacked out.

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