Coraline. Door or Mirror. Continued... Pt 5

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He charges at me and slams himself into me with all his weight so we are on the floor. He looks at his knife the back at me then brings the knife to the top of my shirt and drags the blade along it, all the way down to the bottom of my ribs, now he vaguely brings the knife to the middle of my ribs, and slowly digs the tip of the blade into my soft flesh, I scream to my hearts content. My blood is going everywhere.
'Ok, your going to shut up, because these walls are thin, your going to enjoy this as much as I am, or I will put you through so much pain, that you'll wish that I put this knife through your throat and kill you!' He threatens.
I don't know what to do, because now he has the knife pressed against my throat.

'Ok,' I wheeze, as he keeps slicing thin lines on my stomach. I take a glance at his facial expression, his face has gone from crazy to calm, even though I'm in complete agony, he looks like he's in his element. Again I swiftly bring my knee up and press it into his groin, so much that he is howling in pain, but he's still on top of me, then I notice that he has dropped the knife next to me, and I painfully reach for it.

I feel the cold steel blade as I wrap my fingers around the bloody knife, and plunge it into his waist, as I try hard to drive it to the bone, then I hear the all satisfying crunch of it hitting the bone. I smile as he is now deathly quiet, so I wiggle my way out from under him, and stumble to the doorknob and pick it up wincing in pain, and slide it back on the door.

Coraline Door or mirrorWhere stories live. Discover now