Coraline. Door or Mirror. Continued... Pt 6

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I pry open the door, and stumble out of the bloody room, but then I feel a cold piece of metal glide its way through my arm, I look at it and see the tip of the knife sticking out of my arm, bloodied.

Then look down at the guy, who is now lying face down in a sickly large puddle of blood, then look back at my arm, then the realisation seeps in, and so does the pain, I have no idea what to do so I pull the knife out, and I screech in agony, watching the knife slide back. And to my own in horror, I hear a slight crunch as it passes back through my bones in my arm.

I'm still screaming. I tear part of my shirt, with my good arm, and tie it to my bloody arm to try and stop it from bleeding. My eyes start to feel heavy, but I try to force them to stay open, but it doesn't work so eventually I just fall unconscious...

I wake up to a metallic sting of my own blood in my mouth, my arm is still throbbing like crazy, and there is a horrifying bloodstain on the front of my shirt.

I rise to my shaky feet, I stumble and fall, but pick myself back up. I look back to where the guy was lying face down earlier, but only find a large dark red blood stained carpet, I freak out, hoping that he hasn't already gotten to Paige and killed her, so I slowly follow the deathly black blood trail, to an empty room, that has a wardrobe, and limp to it, and quickly pry open the door to find the guy lying ghostly pale, and horrifically still and a thought comes to mind, and my heart sinks.
He is dead I killed him, what am I going to do, and how much trouble am I going to get into. Shit, shit, shit!

Coraline Door or mirrorWhere stories live. Discover now