Coraline. Door or Mirror. Continued... Pt 7

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I close the door as fast as I open it, and limp away, to try to find Paige.
Every door I pass I knock on, but never get a response, until this one door, I hear whimpering behind.
'Paige, are you in there? We need to get out of here,' I say, while my voice wavers though the door,
'Sophie I'm in here, what's going on, I heard you screaming, are you hurt? Get me out of here please,' she requests,
'I'll tell you later,' I say, attempting to enter the room, but the door won't budge. 'The door won't open, how will I get you out?'
'I have no clue, did you check if the guy had a key?' She suggests,
'No I haven't. Hang on I'll go check,' as I sigh in disgust, not really wanting to touch the disgusting, pale thing. I drag myself, to go and find the key.

I stumble past room that has blood, my blood scattered everywhere...

I find the room that has the body decaying in the wardrobe.
I open the wardrobe doors wide, to see the body had changed from a pale white, to a sickly blue colour. I cringe at the sight, and take a deep breath, and pull him out of the wardrobe.

I search for the key. I put my hand in his pocket, where his hand was, to discover that his hand was clenched, I try to open his hand. But his hand is stiff, because his body had reached rigour mortis, I sigh in disappointment, and lift my leg above the closed hand and slam my foot against the fingers. The fingers simply break under the force, and the hand has a rusty old bloody key, and a sliver key. I pick the keys up, and race off to find the room that has Paige enclosed in.

Coraline Door or mirrorWhere stories live. Discover now