i- collision

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The sky was a dull grey colour as always, outlines of clouds floating aimlessly about, free. Too free.

I walked along the footpath, old sneakers squeaking unpredictably, shopping bags in hand.

I was very distracted, the equivalent of being on another planet, really. So it wasn't really a big surprise that I crashed into someone, or who I had crashed into, for that matter. It was the outcome.

He was tall, with shoulder length dark curls. His face well sculpted, features in a slightly shocked expression, plump lips parted.

"Sorry." he said in a deep, attractive voice.

"My fault." I muttered, blushing and looking down.

"No," he spoke again, surprising me, "I take full responsibility."

That made me smile a little and look up to him. Our eyes met in an awkwardly beautiful sort of way, his plump lips forming the ghost of a smile.

"Goodbye..." he started, then paused for my name.

"Oh, Niall, Niall Horan." I stammered. He really was quite pretty.

"Well, goodbye Niall Horan. I hope we meet again."

And then he was walking away, but not before I saw the quick flash of something I've never before seen in his eyes.

A flash of colour.

[yay new fic!]

[be sure to read my other book 'group chat' which is also narry.]

[its more humour focused though, and in a texting format.]

[what did you think of that first chapter?]



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- J

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