vi- tuesday

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Tuesday came all to quickly for my liking. I would have liked more time to mentally prepared myself for Harry and my first arranged meeting. Though, Tuesday was upon me and there was nothing more I could do.

"Which jumper do you want to wear?" Zayn asked, opening my draw of neatly folded sweaters. "The green one." I answered.

Zayn nodded as if he already knew I would choose my newest green jumper. It wasn't much, just a pullover with a hood, but I liked it.

"Where are you even going, anyway?" He frowned, unfolding the jumper and holding it out for me. I took it and pulled it over my white t-shirt.

"To this nice little park thing, I don't know..." I attempted to fob him off, and failed, only making him more curious.

"Where about's?" he leaned against my chest of drawers, regarding me quizzically.

"Westminster or something..." I picked my nail, still trying to make light of the subject.

"You hate parks, Niall." He tried again to pry information out of me.

"Well not this one!" I jumped up from my perch at the end of my bed and made my way towards the living area to grab my keys.

Zayn followed behind me, looking borderline confused and borderline not caring.

"See you!" I called, strolling to the door in a far too happy fashion. Zayn raised his eyebrow, "Have fun."

I nodded and left the apartment, beginning my journey down the three flights of stairs leading down to street-level.

[v v short but what-an-ever]

[thats from a movie btw ^]

[i have to type up two essays ughh]


[okkk bye]

[vote and comment!]

- J

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