Letter 1: From Your Passionate Anonymous Person

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Dear Sadie Rodgers,

Um...I am not sure how to start this letter but, I guess it is important that I start nonetheless. Hello, my name is- Um... never mind I would rather not say my name right now. You are probably wondering if this is a prank. I assure you it is certainly not. I promise you that. I just didn't know how else to talk to someone like you. So I thought maybe this was a good idea. I hope it is.

Anyway, I should probably tell you my purpose for writing this letter now. You may not know me but, for the past few years, I have known you. Oh man, that came off really creepy and stalkerish. I am very sorry, I didn't mean it that way. What I meant to say was I have been a secret admirer of you for a while now. I am not sure if it is love yet, but I have a feeling it could be. I am still sorting out my feelings. Recently I found myself thinking about you a lot to the point it was getting distracting so I decided to start expressing it via this letter. So yeah uh...you can probably tell I don't have a way with words.

So the reasoning for doing it this way. I could easily just go up to you and talk to you if I would like but, I think you might not be comfortable with that. I have always seen you alone. I never would want to frighten you. I mulled over it a lot too and somehow this was the most convenient and romantic way I could think of. So please bear with me.

I was hoping that after some time and after a few letters sent I could possibly meet you in person. Think of this as a way for you to know of my existence before I actually start talking to you. Ugh...I don't know this could be a very stupid idea as well. I really hope it is not. I really hope you smile at this. It would make my day if you smiled reading this letter.

So I want to get some things straight before I leave you to assume them. First, I am a guy. I promise and I swear I am not lying to you. Second, no girl has put me up to this to mess with you. I am sending this out of my genuine heart. Third (and I mentioned this before), this is NOT A PRANK. I don't want to come off as a creep or anything. I notice you a lot and I feel...happy seeing you so I wanted to tell you. My desire is to not mess with you and make you uncomfortable in any way. If this does, I will stop immediately. Maybe a sticky note on the locker would help to communicate your discomfort. Though I do hope not to ever receive such a thing. Lastly, I wanted to express my honest feelings to you in the best way I can. I mean this genuinely.

So with all that, I hope to be able to continue writing letters to you from now on. I am not sure how much until I feel satisfied but, I will try to keep the mystery of me short and sweet. Eventually, I would have to come clean about my true identity. For now, think of me as your...um...passionate anonymous person. Yeah, I am your Passionate Anonymous Person. Sounds more romantic than a secret admirer in my opinion. Hopefully, you feel the same way.


                                                                                                                             Your Passionate Anonymous Person

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