Letter 8: Immortal Beloved

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Dear Sadie,

In commemoration of this being the 8th letter, I would like to explain the origins of this idea. So it all started in history class earlier this year. My mom thought it would be a good idea for me to get some extra tutoring and signed me up for the tutoring session that Mr. Sean our history teacher was offering. I wasn't failing history either. I wasn't too happy about it but, mother knows best I guess.

When tutoring lessons first started for Mr. Sean I was the only one there. Later other people came but I was mostly with him in the beginning. It would allow him to spend extra time on me. While at the time I was annoyed about it, I do appreciate it because I am doing really well in his class now.

One day I was more distracted than most days. This was because I saw you play a wonderful piece that morning and I couldn't get out of my head how talented you are. You should have seen it. Mr. Sean did everything he could think of to get my attention. Even a blowhorn sound from his phone. Nothing got me out of my reverie.

That is when you came to the classroom in search of Mr. Sean. You didn't come into the classroom so I know you didn't see me but hearing your voice got my attention real quick. Mr. Sean noticed this but continued to handle your issue. Once you left, I am sure Mr. Sean put two and two together and came to the conclusion that I had a crush on you. I wasn't trying to be obvious but I couldn't help it.

That's when Mr. Sean changed course and started to talk about the history of letters and how they were sent through human history. At the time, I didn't think much of it. I also thought it was weird that he would suddenly go into that kind of topic. I betcha he came up with an idea to bring us together through suddenly talking about that topic. If I were to ask though he might say that he just had the inkling to talk about it that day. He is always secretive like that.

You may already know this but, the way Mr. Sean talks about history is very interesting. Don't get me wrong I did say I am not interested in it that much. That is still true but, Mr. Sean has a way of making the topics pleasant to hear. He is so passionate about it. That kind of gave me the idea of naming myself a "passionate" anonymous person. The topic intrigued me and there born the idea of using that method to contact you.

Did you know that Ludwig van Beethoven wrote to an unidentified woman in 1812? He called her his "immortal beloved". It reminded me of you as you too are a musician and my...um...beloved. Ok just writing that was cringe. I am going to still leave it in though.

It is already the 8th letter and I couldn't believe how fast it has gone by. Every letter I feel like I am pouring my heart out. I am grateful that I took this opportunity to do this. I am thankful you are the person I could write these letters to. I am also happy you accept them the way you do. I felt myself self personally grow after writing these letters. I am able to write my feelings down in a medium I have never thought I would turn to. It really helps me regulate and ground myself. I might go buy a journal for me to write in after this.

Also, after we meet in person, if you would like for me to still write you letters I would gladly keep this going. I would love to receive letters from you as well. Those letters would be cherished forever. Lastly, thank you for being you Sadie. I will stand proud to meet you in person one day. That "one day" is coming real soon.

So, until the 2nd to last letter,

Your Passionate Anonymous Person

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