Chapter Twenty Eight: A choice (Galandria)

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"Release him now!" The words ripped through me, growing stronger with each syllable. Either that, or my hearing was only gradually repairing itself. I squinted, my vision still a medley of colour. Blood pounded in my skull, a dull throbbing on my temples. Each breath I took was pained; my ribcage restricting my lungs. I coughed and spluttered in order to find some kind of release. I could feel the restraints around my wrist, chaffing mercilessly at my skin. I could smell the rusty iron and feel the heat of the blood from my wounds. My head was not too severe, but my arm felt stingy and numb.

My vision gradually came together, as I could now hear someone shouting worriedly for me. A courtyard began to fill into my vision. It was horribly dishevelled. I could only assume it's terrible state was due to my captors. I swung my head to the side, as a form came into view. It was strung up against this wall, as was I. Soon the image of blonde hair, dirty and beaten clothes and features began to solidify. I focused on the hurt in the storm grey eyes. The eyes of the man I loved. Finally my heart caused me to rest on his lips. Lips, once full and moist, now cracked and dry. I wanted to plant tender kisses and heal his broken lips and heart. For I was sure he was lost in a world of despair and it was up to me to guide him back. 

He looked at me a faint smile playing on his lips. He was glad to see me, though he couldn't show it. He was glad and I was glad too. I was elated, just to see him alive. Well a living death, but it was better than him being gone from this world. He had held on, for me. His face said it all, he clearly would have chosen to die without the promise of seeing me again. Oh, did I feel the same. I had not come this far for the city. I did not care how selfish it seemed, my heart would have been spent without him. Saving the city would have been an unwanted trophy without the other half of me. Assuming I could have even done it without him, which I seriously doubted. 

"If you are quite finished." The voice resounded. Elrohir's face twisted into a grimace. I knew I was about to come face to face with his captor. Although, for some reason Elrohir seemed more angry then scared. I thought he might just be putting on a brave face for me, who knew what this villain was capable of. 

Slowly, I turned my gaze towards the voice. A ring of Corkash and goblins, surrounded a chained Morgel. He looked a little dishevelled, with some scratches and dirt on his body, but otherwise just intensely angry. Same old Morgel, still I was sad he hadn't escaped. I had hoped he could have at least sent word to the army to approach the city with more caution, our lives now at stake. I scanned the sinister group, my eyes landing on a group of three men. 

I instantly recognised the first two. They wore black cloaks, which I could only guess hid more dishevelled features like their gruesome chins. They were unmistakably members of the dreaded Mararan, though hopefully they were not present when I was first attacked. If they were as ruthless as then, we certainly weren't getting out of here without being tortured with Knaastia. That, made me involuntarily shudder. Then I drew my eyes to inspect the last man. He stood between the two, who were obviously his guards, looking straight at me.

He was an Elf of average height, with the build of a more common place citizen. That he wasn't a burly built soldier, or a horrible monster for that matter, took me completely of guard. I looked at his choppy brown hair, bright green eyes and expensive looking dress. He didn't look like the kind that would lead the dreaded Corkash into battle, killing countless innocents in the process. But then his face twisted into a sinister smile that I will never forget. The complete look of malevolence and self pride; that no one possibly caught up to him. I was disgusted at him, his good looks only served to make him more vile. He was the cause of all this, the land rotted for his sick benefit.

I wanted nothing more to launch myself off this... tree? I looked at the wall I was pinned on, it was clearly made from wood. It hand the familiar bumps and scrapes of a twisted tree base. However, it was far too large and... and... I screamed in horror. I now recognised the great cherry tree. What was left of it, a burnt shard. A horrible testament to the evil of the man before me. I spat, towards the man in front of me. I hated him with my entire being. I didn't have to ask why he could do it, this man was clearly beyond being good.

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