Chapter seven: A banquet and a ghost (Galandria)

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Finally it was loudly announced.

" The Lady Galandria. Guardian of the realm " 

The doors of the great hall opened and I strode confidently forward. I was met by smiling faces. They were mostly members of the court but some of them I identified as dignitaries from the other Elven realms. Everyone stood as I took my place on the left of the Queen. The right hand was always reserved for any guests of honour. I glanced up. I almost gasped at the man sitting across from me. He had a handsome fair face as if it had been carved by a master sculptor. His skin was a smooth light shade. His hair fell just below his shoulders and was a fair blonde. Half his hair was pulled into a ponytail and a silver circlet rested on his brow. But his eyes. They were a stormy grey and I was lost in them, a tempest jumbling my emotions. I couldn't look away.

Suddenly, the Queen spoke " This is Lord Elrohir Celemar. He is the guardian of the realm of the great peach tree. " 

" welcome" I said " It is a pleasure to meet you.

" In future you two may have to work very closely together " Stated the Queen. " I suggest you use this time to get well acquainted."

" I will do my best my lady " His voice was smooth yet clearly masculine. He gave me a warm smile that made my stomach do back flips. 

Noticing this the Queen added " Perhaps you could do better than to ask her to dance Lord Elrohir? "Shall we?" He extended his hand.

So we took to the floor and began to dance. He moved fluidly to the melodious waltzing music however, I did not disappoint by being just as good due to my lessons. The rest of the room became a blur as we focused on each other. None of the room seemed to be there but between pauses I noticed all eyes seemed to be on our graceful entwined forms. Soon we were called to our seats to begin the feast. He escorted me to my seat and as I snapped back to reality I knew I would never forget that moment with him. 

The feast wore on for what seemed like ages. After all, It was my first public appearance to dignities from the other lands so they were all chatting excitedly about what sort of guardian I might make. I suppose it is nice for them to speak of what to normal citizens seemed nothing more than a legend until now. Many came up and spoke to me. Some even went so far as to congratulate me on my position, which I thought was a bit odd as it was a birthright. I remained polite to them and gave them my thanks.  However, I couldn't escape the feeling that something was going to shake me from this dream. I spat at the thought in disgust. How dare I attempt to ruin one of the best nights of my new life! 

When everyone seemed to have recovered from the huge amount of food they had eaten, The Queen called for their attention. As she stood the feeling began to gnaw at me again. Why was I feeling this way? I was told during training it is possible to sense another Guardians emotion, but Elrohir seemed perfectly Happy. 

" I have an announcement to make. " The Queen cleared her throat. " It seems that, although everyone in this room is now well acquainted, we still have one more guest to announce. " During the pause that followed all eyes swept towards the doors either side of the grand staircase. I shot a questioning glance at the Queen but she seemed preoccupied in her own thoughts. " As you all know I am an unmarried monarch and do not expect to sire any heirs to my throne. Therefore, as is customary I have been requested to choose someone to succeed me. Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present Prince Morgel. "

I gasped as the memories flooded back. The sound of our laughter, The scent of crushed pine needles and Flashes of memories; his smile, his eyes, his thick black hair. The shock of memories left me gripping the table and a single tear ran down my cheek. His face as I was dragged off... So many times I have suppressed that one memory just because it doesn't make sense. In the one instant that changed both of our lives forever, I didn't know him anymore. He had just become emotionally unreadable. It's just too painful to admit he had probably severed all ties with me in that instant. 

Why was he the Queens heir anyway? How did that make any sense? He was nothing but a lowly child at the point I was crowned Guardian, she could have picked anyone. So why him? Besides how could she expect anyone to bow down to someone who quite frankly, hasn't existed until this moment? I mean even with all my guardian liberties I haven't been able to find him. I had immediately gone looking for him once the Queen had given me the freedom to step outside the palace. There had been no trace of him. The tragic thing was his parents said he had been missing since I was named Guardian. They may not be his real parents but how could he treat them so? 

I looked up and found myself on the verge of tears. However it was immediately replaced with rage. Sheer bloody rage. Everyone turned to look at me as I rose from my seat in an attempt to contain my anger. My hands clenched and unclenched, every muscle in my body ridged. My chest heaved as I tried not to scream. Elrohir looked calm. The Queen had a warning face, that told me not to embarrass her. Everyone else just stared back and forth between me and Morgel. However I didn't see any of them except blurs through the red over my vision. I stormed out risking an angry look at the man from the palace garden. Morgel.

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