Chapter eighteen: taken (Galandria)

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I woke up in an oddly blissful mood. Everything inside the tent was still and serene. The folds of the grey woollen underside, were distorted with wave like patterns as the breeze outside drifted across the tent. The sparse furniture strewn around clung to the shadows darkened by a radiant sun beam. Sparkles of dust drifted across the glowing shaft making its way to the floor from the gap in the tent flap. Armour draped across a wooden stool, gleamed as the light passed by it. Elrohir's armour.  

I smiled as I thought about it. I had indeed kept my promise and stayed with Elrohir. It felt odd to see what he saw as he woke. To hear what he heard. I wondered if he felt this content each morning. I silently giggled, of course he didn't have a warm cushion pressing into his back. Even through my tunic I could feel his muscular physique. His torso extended across my left shoulder blade into a plush bi-cep. I followed the fleshy cushion around my lower back, then finally the rest of his arm hugging my waist. His other arm, to my surprise was my pillow. My left hand was tenderly locked to his right. He had also trapped my legs possessively.  

I stirred in an attempt to snuggle into him further however my back began to scream in protest. I let out a strangled gasp and Elrohir was there propped up on his elbow above me. A worried expression formed on his chiselled features.  

"Galandria" he murmured removing a strand of hair from my face.  

"I'm fine" I tried to imitate a healthy smile."I'm just bruised." 

"will you allow me to take a look?"  

I blushed in one hot flush. I tried to suppress it. "G-go ahead" I stuttered at the thought of him seeing my bare back. He sank from sight as I carefully removed by tunic, clamping it to my chest in order to save my dignity. I felt his soft fingers trace the curves and depressions in my back. I tensed a little as he came into contact with a large cluster of bruises on my right shoulder blade.  

"luckily your just bruised in one place" he whispered. " but lay off your shooting arm for a bit, my lady." 

"certainly doctor" I smirked. " what other treatment would you prescribe?"  

He chuckled then murmured. "this..." 

He began to plant soft buds across my back. The kisses fell with such tenderness I sighed and sunk into the cot. He broke contact and whispered "we need to go to breakfast. They will wonder what's happened to us otherwise... I can prescribe more treatment later my lady." I playfully slapped him and dressed as carefully as I could. Before we exited the tent he took my face in his hands and gave me a soft kiss. The he offered me his arm jokingly and we left in search of sustenance.  

After breakfast we returned to the remnants of the feast. The tents that had been crumpled 

during the feast were still strewn on the ground and the campfire lay as a huge pile of blackened wood. A few men were standing around talking about their plan of action. A few looked haggard so I assumed they must be the owners of the broken tents. We immediately offered our aid in putting the camp back into order. Elrohir was being stubborn however. He picked things up before I could get them practically eliminating the need for me to help all together. As I result I playfully snatched some work off him for good measure. 

We were quickly finished with many thanks and compliments thrown in our direction for the help.  

I hadn't really thought much about what happened last night. But as we made our way through the camp my mind started analysing the faces of those we pushed past. I realised that expressions were curious but wary, especially when people looked directly at me. They would tend to take a glance then snap away as though they had been bitten. I realised Elrohir's fight with the drunkard was not only a showcase for our relationship, but a warning to stay away from me. I hoped the trepidation wouldn't last long, I enjoyed the majority of conversation with camp members. On the other hand, now being a couple I could publicly be with him. Which I guess means public image troubles, but I was sure we would be a good couple. My love for him was all that mattered I decided.  

We soon stopped outside my tent. Elrohir bid me stay outside then went in and collected my hunting gear. I allowed him to shoulder my bow, much to my distaste of not being able to shoot for a while. However, I insisted on possessing my knife as I would not be rendered unnecessary. I would prepare the meat. He insisted on carrying practically everything of course, but I insisted he'd be better off shooting if I carried everything. So distributing everything on my good shoulder we set off letting a passing runner take a message of absence up to the officials. With any luck, we'd be too far into the woods before the poor runner was sent to bring us back to camp. I glanced back at the campsite glowing and bustling with people in the warm glowing daylight before the tree line swallowed the view. 

Before long we were sitting in our embrace on the bank of a small lake. The land had gradually sloped up into a crested hill during the day leading us to a small natural reservoir. We feasted on the small amount of game we had collected. After all, the hunting party supplied the camps meat although we were allowed to contribute if we had extra. We had a small fire started, roasting small wilderin we had managed to snare and a few squirrels Elrohir had shot. I had skinned all with a practiced ease that Elrohir had commented on, even though it was secretly quite painful for me. I sucked on some wilderin Elrohir was busy feeding me like some kind of baby.  

It was then he spoke "The whole camps knowledge of us courting has changed things."  

I looked up confused "how so?" 

"Well... They might be expectant of some kind of public image. That and... I can have you as much as I like." He grinned and before I knew it we were rolling around in the dirt, as he planted kisses on me, laughing like fools.  

"Elrohir... what happens when this is all over?" we now sat with our faces only inches apart. I watched the sunlight slide across his luxurious hair. I then met his storm grey eyes and stared into their depths watching his thought process. He smiled and place a warm hand on my cheek.

Suddenly, his gaze shifted. His smile dropped and he slowly lowered his hand. He was drawing his knife. Panicked I thought of turning to see the threat but something about his gaze told me to reject the idea. I quickly hugged into his chest as he launched the dagger through the air where my shoulder had been. A Corkash thumped to the ground the dagger embedded into its neck. I quickly grabbed my hunting knife, bow and quiver. I drew the hunting knife in my left. It would be too dangerous to use my right so my lesser capabilities with my left would have to do. I circled analysing the rapidly changing scenery surrounding the lake. The grotesque Corkash were appearing on all sides rushing around the lake, trying to surround us. Elrohir came into my vision, drawn sword in hand. I nodded and we charged.  

The first attacker raised his sword to slice me across the gut. I ducked under his blade and stabbed him through his heart. I quickly turned my way out of the path of my falling foe, bringing my knife up to slice at a startled Corkash's exposed nape. I continued exchanging blows until I was now about half way around the lake. I was pleased to see Elrohir on the other side of the lake also making short work of the monsters.  

Then a Corkash appeared from behind me. However, both it and the one in front just stood there, rigid.  

I raised my dagger in challenge "What are you waiting for!" 

"We are going to capture you. Both of you." 

I just stood there, knife raised and with my mouth hitting the floor. No one had ever heard a Corkash speak before, it made your skin crawl. You wanted to find a corner and shrivel up there willing the voice to leave you be. I stood firm though. I grinned... Then stabbed the one in front quickly twisting the blade then throwing it straight into the one behind. A bit shell shocked from the speech I realised I had no more opponents. I turned towards the lake... Elrohir was tiring, then the worst happened... He was disarmed and before I knew it the Corkash were dragging him towards the trees.  

I knew what I had to do... I notched an arrow... I drew the bow... My shoulder began to scream in pain and then it spasmed leaving my arrow embedded in the ground beside one of the Corkash. He laughed at me as I sagged gripping my shoulder. Then Elrohir gave out a final scream in anguish "Galandria!" then he was dragged through the trees. I sunk to my knees and wept.

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