Off On An Adventure

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I didn't get a wink of sleep. Part of me wished to shadow travel somewhere so I could be occupied and not spend the rest of the night staring at the ceiling, but two things stopped me. One, I was leaving in the morning and couldn't afford being stuck somewhere on the other side of the country. Two, Mattias would kill me, followed by Chiron. So I stayed put.

When dawn finally came and I was able to leave my cabin without the fear of being harpy food, I walked down to the water and just sat on the beach with my feet in the water. I thought about going for a quick swim, but quickly banished the thought. I was taking one of Poseidon's kids on a dangerous quest where someone was guaranteed to die. I doubted that he would be very happy with me. Besides, he didn't like me in his territory on the best of days.

Travelling with Glynn worried me and not just because I'd learned over the past two weeks that she is a complete pain, and incapable of any form of fighting. Every time I step outside the camp boundaries, I get attacked. That's what happens when you're a child of one of the Big Three. This time, Glynn would be with me, and our combined auras would attract every monster in the state. Even having JJ would make things more dangerous. Normally, an Aphrodite kid isn't strong enough to have a powerful aura, but only a powerful demigod would be able to charm speak.

I wasn't all that surprised to see Devin outside. She's an early riser. It's annoying. I was grateful I'd already fixed my bed-head because gods it had been bad this morning. She would have never let me hear the end of it.

"Wow, look who managed to drag their butt out of bed before breakfast," she teased. The smile on her face didn't quite reach her eyes.

"Yeah, well, dangerous quests can do that to a person," I replied. She frowned. Glynn and her big mouth had blabbed to the others about the prophecy. Needless to say, the other girls weren't very happy with me. At least they didn't know about my gut feeling. Only Mattias and Chiron knew.

"Anyway, I'm just going to get some food then I'm waking the girls. We need to leave soon. I'd rather not have to sleep outside at night so I want to get moving as quickly as possible."

"Where are you guys going anyway?"

'Well, JJ was telling me that they were getting attacked mostly near the US/Canada border. We'll head that way."

"You're seriously going back to Canada? So you really think you're ready for that?"

"Devin, that was years ago. Besides, I shouldn't even end up near there again. We're going to be generally southern British Columbia. I was from Northern Alberta."

"The provinces are right beside each other. I don't like it."

"You don't like anything that has to do with this quest."

"No, I don't. And you know perfectly well why."

"What do you expect me to do? Call off the quest? Whatever this demigod is planning, its bad news. We have no idea what they are capable of. Besides, maybe the demigod just needs any three half-bloods. We can't just sit around and let unknowing half-bloods get snatched."

She frowned and grabbed a rock from the ground, skipping it across the water. "I hate it when you use logic."

I glanced at the sky. It was almost light out "I'll go wake the girls. Could you grab some breakfast for us?"

"What am I, your servant?" she grumbled. But she ran off anyway, which told me that she was convinced this was the last day she would see me alive. Why else would she actually listen to me and do what I asked?

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