The Prophecy

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I was happy Chiron was back. Really, I was. He is kind of like a third father to me, since the first two sucked. But having him back meant that I was about to go on my third quest. With two untrained demigods. They’d worked hard all week, I know they did, but facts are facts.

Strengths? JJ was a fast learner with her dagger. She wasn’t exactly skilled, she wasn’t terrible either. Her charm speak was also nothing to laugh at.

On the other hand, Glynn was book smart. She knew myths almost as well as I did, maybe even more so. And she could…um…splash people with puddles. Sometimes.


Chiron made himself at home as soon as we entered the Big House. “Alright. Start from the beginning.”

So we did. JJ and Glynn told Chiron what they had told me; all about their journey here, about JJ’s boyfriend and about the demigod that was hunting them.

Then I stepped in and told him the rest. About the quest, the training and the phoenix that attacked me in the mess hall.

“And you really think all of you are ready?” he asked me.

“…of course I do. We’ve trained them hard, and this doesn’t seem like a problem that we can just hold off on.”

Truth? I lied. Of course we weren’t ready. Devin, Mattias and Lexis had all voiced their concerns about this quest. Even Alia was uneasy about having me go. But what could I do? Waiting wasn’t an option and I’d done all I could to train the other two.

“Very well. JJ, this is you quest. Go to Rachel’s cave to get your prophecy.”

“Hey! This is my quest too. The dude could’ve been trying to kill me, not her. I should go too," Glynn protested.

He sighed. “Both of you then. Mana, we need to talk.”

“Later,” I countered. “These two have never gotten a prophecy before, and as the most experienced one on this quest, I need to know exactly what the prophecy says.”

I knew I was pushing it, but the chances of me coming back were slim as it was. I needed every bit of detail I could if I wanted to improve those chances.

“Are you trying to make me die young?” he asked, exasperated.

“You’re not young, Chiron. You’re like, hundreds of years old.”

“Go, if you feel so compelled. But come back after and talk to me. Tell me what Rachel says. We also have some other things we need to discuss.”

“Looking forward to it.”

Rachel’s cave is mega cool. Apollo himself set it up, so I suppose that does make sense. It looks mysterious on the outside but on the inside it's every modern teen's dream-house. Technology, fancy furniture, you name it. 

Unfortunately, she wasn’t in her cave so I didn’t get to stay for a visit. Instead she was sitting on the beach, looking out at the water. When she saw us coming, she grinned and stood up.

“I know that face. That’s the ‘I just got assigned a dangerous quest and need a prophecy’ face.”

“Well read,” I replied.

She shrugged. Then her face went pale and Rachel started swooning. I quickly caught her before she face-planted and supported her weight.

“Um, is that normal?” Glynn asked.

“No,” I said, sarcastically. “This never happens. She just took one look at your face and almost died of fright.”

“Hey! I resent that!”

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