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My life sucks. Even by demigod standards. Yeah, demigods, as in part human part selfish god. It’s the god part that makes my life suck in the first place. I mean sure, there are other demigods that do have it worse. Like the famous ones in the stories; Achilles, Hercules, Percy Jackson. Those guys.

But still, I don’t exactly have it easy. I’m the daughter of Hades, one of the big three, so I have a stronger aura than most. Meaning I attract more things that would love a taste of me. But unlike most demigods, or half-blood, I don’t have any parents at all.

I used to. I used to have a mother that loved me and a stepfather that cared for both of us. Then the monsters attacked.

My mother died. You’d think that my caring stepfather would take it upon himself to comfort the poor daughter right? The whole ‘death brings the living closer’ kind of thing?

Bull. He instead turned to anger. He blamed me for my mother’s death. Said that her biggest mistake in life was having me. That he had loved her and I was nothing but a curse. And then he would beat me. My caring stepfather became my abusive guardian.

I was seven years old.

A year later, he kicked me out. Told me I looked too much like my mother and it hurt him to even look at me. So I was kicked to the curb without even a glance back.

To my great surprise, a couple of days later, a sign came. A messenger from my father told me about a camp for half-bloods like me. She told me it was near Long Island. Which was next to no help whatsoever. I lived in Canada. All I knew was that I needed to make an incredibly long journey all the way to another country to a place that I had no idea where it was without getting killed. At eight.

I didn’t even believe that I was a half-blood at first. But it wasn’t like I had a whole lot of options for places to go, so I made Camp Half-Blood my destination. After a few months of getting chased my monsters and fighting bloody battles, I change my mind about the demigod thing.

One very long and eventful story later, I arrived in almost one piece.  I was one of the youngest campers there. The place was packed with campers. At first, camp actually felt like home.

Then I discovered who my father was, and that just ruined it for me. Hades. Lord of the dead. Ever since the second titan war, only thirty years ago, children of Hades were welcomed at camp and we have our own cabin. But that didn’t really change everyone’s opinions about us. Only two children have been born since the war, and the other left camp after less than a year. We still don’t know what happened to him. Got killed, probably.

So I was pegged as a freak. In a place where training to kill monsters is the norm.

So yeah. Crappy life. Things got a bit better. By the time I was twelve, people kind of warmed up to me. Having been at camp longer than almost anyone, I became kind of a councillor when I was thirteen. And I have friends.

Of course, I manage to find the weirdest group of half-bloods in the world. There’s Mattias. He’s super annoying and loves nothing more than to drive me insane. He’s the son of Hermes. It’s a surprise to no one that his father is the prankster god. I only see him during the summer though because he goes home to take care of his mom during the year. He first came when we were nine, the year after I came.

Then there are the twins. Daughters of Ares. Both of them are tall and strong. They aren’t jerks like most Ares kids though. Well, at least not all of the time. Devin can be a little nasty but mostly just to people that are rude to her. Lexis is actually pretty nice, despite who her dad is, but she can get vicious when someone threatens her friends. Or herself. Or her hair.

They both came when they were eleven. Devin became my friend quickly, maybe just to prove to everyone else that she wasn’t scared of me. Actually, that’s probably the reason. Lexis didn’t warm to me so quickly, and instead became friends with Aisha.

Aisha is quiet, even more than me, and I don’t talk much when I’m not around my friends. She’s the daughter of Zeus. I like to joke that it makes sense her father rules the skies because her head seems to always be in the clouds. Still, that’s part of the reason why we all love her. And last year, we girls kind of formed our odd group of friends.

Having been at camp for six years, I’d been in danger before. Heck, I’d even done two quests. One of them I did with Mattias, the other I did solo. Some stupid thing my father got me to do. Retrieve this weapon from the Underworld and whatnot. Difficult, but not original. Percy Jackson had done it. But still, even just entering the Underworld is hard without dying. So I had my fair share of danger on that quest.

Even with my background of danger, all my battle training, my powers from my father, none of that could prepare me for when the world was almost destroyed.

I guess it began with the flying bull…

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