Dean's Party

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- this is the original part, rewritten and edited, hope you enjoy it! I will add one more part onto this -


Castiel doesn't expect to feel so... excited when he stands at Dean's front door.

He'd quickly darted into his home and had a change of clothes (oh, and wrapped a plaster around his pinky), so now he stands in denim jeans and a baseball shirt. Cas can't remember the last time he'd worn something so casual.

Swinging the door open for him is Victor. "Cassie!" He cheers, showing he's had enough to drink already.

The first thing that hits Cas was that he was wrong.

Victor Henriksen isn't actually the loudest thing in this state.

It's this deafening sound system in Dean's house.

Victor hurls himself at Cas, wrapping his arms around him so tightly that he lifts Castiel off the ground. Cas makes an unexpected squeak before the player places him back on the ground.

"Come on, man!" Is the next thing he says - Cas again questions the hertz of this boy's voice.

Victor glued his hand to Cas' shoulder as he begins directing him through the bodies of other college students. Castiel recognises tonnes of faces who - for the brief moment they whiz past - give an expression of shock that he's actually at a party. It seems like he's getting delivered a lot of those tonight. He offers quick smiles at them as a substitute for a shy and probably too quiet 'hello'.

Making a pit stop in the kitchen, Victor swirls Cas onto a bar stool and slaps a red plastic cup in front of him. Conjuring an alcoholic drink, he soon thereafter orders Cas to take a sip. Castiel takes the cup, swirling the mixed alcohol in the cup, he pulls a winced expression before bringing it to his lips and taking a stupidly large gulp. Immediately, he wants to gag with the burning liquor running down his throat.

Victor laughs in response whilst Cas hisses in disgust. "Lets get you to Dean, huh?" He asks, patting his back like he was a burping baby. Except, if he was a baby then Victor's pat would've broken his vertebrae.

Cas nods his head continually at Victor, if anything, the only thing he wanted to do and see tonight was Dean.

Clasping his red cup in his hands, again Victor tugs Castiel through the crowd of teenagers. Cas can barely make out the rooms because there are so many people here, he's so busy looking around he doesn't even notice Victor stop. Crashing into him clumsily, Cas doesn't have the time to be embarrassed as Victor pulls him out from behind him.

"I found someone for you!" Victor calls, presenting Cas to Dean.

Correction: now he can just be embarrassed in front of Dean.

"Cas?" The handsome jock frowns but with a surprisingly big smile. "Is that you?"

Castiel is thankful for the low lighting because right now he's bright red. He forces out a series of nods. "It's me."

"You're here!" Flashing his stupidly charming smirk, Dean makes Cas blush once more.

Cas shows his jazz hands that have been popular tonight. "Surprise?" He asks, sounding even more lame than he intended.

"You bet like hell I am." Dean cocks his head, showing his white teeth. "It's a good one, though." He delivers a half-smirk.

Timidly, Cas shrugs, giving a shy lopsided smile which the jock chuckles at.

Dean points his beer bottle in another direction in the room. "Balthazar is over there..."

Jerking his head, Cas feels panic inside of his chest at the mention of his name. It clouds his mind to the point where he can't hear the rest of Dean's sentence. What was he doing here? Why does he think he can come out and have a good time after what he's done?

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