Balthazar's Rose

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- this is a new part written to compliment the start of the story, I will be rewriting the next part (which once was this entire fic) then adding another part on, enjoy and thank you for reading! -


Castiel smiles down at the rose he holds in his hands. He picked it himself - after a useless attempt with the secateurs not figuring out how to take the safety guard off - from his mother's garden and is now twiddling it carefully in his fingers.

He got it for Balthazar, his boyfriend, with intent of surprising him on Valentine's Day. Although they had no plans to spend the evening together, Cas couldn't imagine a more romantic gesture than this.

He'd been planning it for weeks, preparing for this day. Maybe it's a little immature and childish, but to Cas, a rose is the most amazing thing in the entire world to symbolise beauty and everything that stands hand in hand with it. He wanted to show that Balthazar was beauty and everything that comes with it, because that's how it is in his eyes.

...That is how Castiel ends up flattening the flower of promise, hope, and new beginnings with the sole of his shoe on February the 14th. That is how Castiel finds out that not all surprises are nice and romantic, sometimes they're harsh and bitter.


Castiel walks down the familiar path on his route to Balthazar's. The light fading and it's almost dark but he doesn't mind.

He holds the rose happily, picturing the warm smile that Balthazar has and the sweet sounding "Oh, Cassie" like he always does.

Off in his daydream, he doesn't realise the sound of some other boys from his college calling his name.

"Castiel!" A voice shouts. Wincing, he hesitates to see who it is. Nobody likes being called out in the street by teenage boys.

Turning his head, he notices immediately who it is. Benny LaFitte and Victor Henriksen, the dynamic duo of his college. Sometimes he questioned how boys like them got popular, but the simple answer of athletic and confident comes to mind.

They aren't mean or horrible to Cas in the slightest way, they're just like huge dogs that bound up to you and don't leave you alone until they find something else that interests them.
Cas tucks his rose behind his right arm to avoid their off putting comments, looking at them as they cross the road to come over.

"What're you doing on this fine evening Novak?" Victor is first to talk, swinging an arm over Cas' shoulder.

He's loud and almost makes Castiel deaf but he goes to respond anyway. "I-"

"I know - bet you're going to pay your boyfriend a visit." Benny says, making a Y gesture with his arm, awaiting Cas' confirmation.

He nods. "Yes I a-"

"Ding ding!" Sealing his lips, he prepares for a high five. Castiel presents his palm and almost yelps when Benny gives it a firm slap - he should've known.

"That's a lad!" Victor exclaims, shaking Castiel's shoulders. "Go and get lucky!" He adds, loud enough for the entire state to hear.

Castiel winces again at the volume, thinking of an answer to getting lucky with his boyfriend. Him and Balthazar have done some things but not many-

"Oh and Novak! Winchester is holding a party at his tonight, you should come on over!" Victor continues in his loud tone, patting Cas' back with a solid hand.

Sometimes Cas wishes that the football team didn't treat everyone else like they were on team - smacking backs and palms like they're indifferent to pain.

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