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It was a rather busy day. First days tend to be, apparently. We had exactly 17 customers come in, and for a tattoo shop, thats a lot. I mean, each took an hour minimum. Im completely exhausted, its 5pm, and Im sitting in the office, just running through paperwork. I forgot the writing side of it. I wanted it to be all art, but theres still forms to fill, letters to send. I presume I'll be here another good two hours.

'Phil honey, we're gonna go, text me!' I looked up at Tyler, smiling and saying bye. I don't know where I'd be without him. He's my best friend, always will be. I've known him since university, he moved to York when he was 18, he's 25 now. Granted, he was two years below me, I was in my final year just as he was starting, but ever since we first started talking, we became inseparable. We know every little detail about each other, and I couldn't wish for a better best friend.

There was a knock on the shop door. I looked at the clock, it was 5:47, the shop had been closed for almost an hour now, theres no way it could be a late customer surely. Maybe it was Chris, he might have left something. I walked out of my office, putting down the Biro and going to see why someone was still here. I blinked in confusion, it was Dan. I opened the door immediately, not hesitating to let him in. 'Hey, Phil, uh, strange question to ask you'. I nodded, encouraging him to speak on. 'I've sort of locked myself out of my store, and well, I think my backdoor is open, I was wondering if I could jump over the fence between our shops and see if I can get in'. I laughed. A lot. He looked at me, cheeks going pink. 'Of course you can! I'll get the key hold on', I had to hold back laughter as I spoke, taking breaths between each few words. I walked over to the door, Dan behind, opening it. 'Im not sure how you're going to do this, but, good luck. Do you need any help?'. Shaking his head, he looked at the 5 foot fence. It was clear that he was taller than the fence, he was taller than me and Im 6'2. He looked the fence up and down, hands on hips. 'Right'. Pulling off his apron and jumper, he flung them to me, reaching his leg up to the top of the fence. 'Oh my god'. I tilted my head in confusion, realizing the problem myself. He was stuck. His face begun to match the shade of the flowers on my desk, as he awkwardly stood there, foot hanging on the top of the fence, his hands holding his balance. I fell into a fit of laughter, not even sure how to begin helping. 'Do you see why I don't do physical exercise?' This made me laugh more, collapsing on the floor, tears streaming. He was such an awkwardly tall guy, there was no way this could have gone right. His face going redder, he asked for help, whilst making small attempts to dislodge himself from the fence. I grabbed his brown shoe, just below his ankle. 'Okay, Dan, on the count of three. One, two, three!' Stumbling backwards, we both landed in a heap on the ground, laughing at the whole situation. 'I'll get the step ladder perhaps..' He just nodded standing up and taking care in dusting off the small flecks of mud.

I returned to the peculiar situation moments later, clutching a step ladder. Propping it against the fence, I suggested he climbed up this side, and jumped the other half. 'Are you kidding me, I'll probably brake my knees!' I just shrugged, 'its not that big of a drop, the thing comes up to your stomach'. He hesitated. 'Just climb the ladder, here, its not even that difficult'. Scratching his head a little, Dan proceeded to climb up the four steps, putting his leg over. 'Okay I actually cannot do this oh wow'. I just laughed, ensuring him it was simple. Three groans later he was over the fence, and I passed him his apron and jumper. He thanked me, walking through his back door. I left my small paved garden, wandering back indoors.

There was another knock on the glass of the door. I knew this would clearly be Dan, opening the door and walking over to some sofas in the front of the parlor. He sat down opposite to me, playing with the ends of his jumper sleeves again. I stood up, offering him drinks. 'Same as earlier?' He nodded once, as I told him I'd be back momentarily. Three minutes later I sat back down, placing two drinks before us. 'Talk about first impressions'. I laughed his comment off, 'its okay Im super strange, Im actually surprised it wasn't me that was stuck out of my own shop!' He just laughed in return, 'honestly Im the clumsiest person you'll cross paths with, I should come with warning signs'. I smiled, sipping my coffee. He stared at my arms, presumably intentionally. 'I love your tattoos, they're so unique'. I nodded in agreement, that was the point of them. I didn't want to fit in the with stereotypical tattooed guy. I wanted them to look different. I had cartoon lions, random notes to lines of songs, totoros, even a Starbucks cup. Each tattoo had some resemblance to my life, major or minor, they all slotted in neatly on my two arms. I told him about this, how they mattered. He then moved onto my hair. I didn't like my hair. It was too strange for my liking, every time I get it cut I want it changed again. It never seems to be quite right. Dan was much in disagreement with this, stating the way it falls is quite 'blocky' and looks ideal for styling. I rolled my eyes, his hair was much better. It looked soft, like it effortlessly fell in place, each fine strand barely moving. We sat like this for some time, questioning each other on little features.

It was late when he left, eight perhaps. He ensured he'd be back tomorrow, or that I could even visit him. I smiled, agreeing. Dan was equally unique, and in the short few hours I'd known him, I grew to know he'd be a significant part of me in the time to come.



Hey guys! I quite liked writing this chapter, it was different, and I got to start to bring out their characteristics a little. I hope you're enjoying it so far, Im having a bunch of fun writing it and expect updates at least once a week!

Dont forget to like, comment and vote guys, I appreciate it!!

Much love, Sophie xo

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