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I woke up bleary eyed, yawning. 6:35am. It was like being back at school, waking up at the crack of dawn. Stumbling into the bathroom, I assessed my morning quiff, fairly amused. That was one plus I enjoyed of working in a tattoo shop; I could wear whatever I wanted to. Slipping into my usual black skinny jeans, I pulled on a grey t-shirt, with a small pocket. I appreciated the way it showed off my tattoos. Tugging on a pair of vans, my feet carried me to the kitchen, making a quick breakfast of Shreddies. It was a difficult choice, but ultimately Shreddies always came out on top. Before long I'd brushed my teeth, smoothed my hair and poured an adequate amount of coffee into a flask. I looked at the time, 7:29am. 'Shit!' I'd completely forgotten my agreement with Dan.

My body raced down the stairs, grinding to a halt at the bottom, giving me chance to compose myself. Sure enough, Dan was there waiting, smart grey trousers, a black button up shirt, sleeves rolled up halfway. 'Hey Dan!' He smiled warmly, waving his hand vigorously at me. 'Hey Phil! How are you?' I took a sip of my coffee as we began to walk. 'I'm not so bad I guess, it's too early for me to really be in any mood, you?' He laughed sympathetically towards my reply. 'I totally get how you feel, me too'. We walked in the blissful sunlight, enveloped in shadows by trees. He had a flask too, and it amused me how it starkly contrasted to mine. His being a simple basic white flask, and mine being as black as the night sky.

We arrived at our respective shops just before eight, wishing each other a good day, clarifying to meet at 6pm to walk back together and opening up. I was joined by Tyler fifteen minutes later, and Chris a further twenty from Tyler, confessing he'd over slept. It didn't really matter, we didn't have anyone booked until 9:30, and I doubted anyone would walk in on the off chance before 10am. An hour passed like the blink of an eye, just me Tyler and Chris wondering around, drinking coffee, setting up machines, singing along to our favourite songs. When nine twenty five arrived, we switched the stereo to a low volume, hoping to give the room character but not display signs of unprofessional acts. At 9:32am our first customer of the day walked through the door. His name was Connor, and he was hoping for an owl on his forearm. After showing us the desired design, Tyler took him to the back of the store, where he would receive the tattoo. It was exciting, knowing I was running this business now, and yet all the while daunting, the weight on my shoulders owning my own shop had brought.

Another person walked through the doors twelve minutes after Connor, her name was Emma. We discussed in length what she wished for, and after settling for a small sugar skull on the side of her neck, I chose to go through and tattoo her. The feeling was inexplainable, the joy I got from tattooing. Within good time all three of us were working, and I discovered I could really do with a receptionist of sorts, someone with the knowledge to help customers who walk in, but to stay in said area, so that if all three of us were occupied nobody was left alone in the front, waiting for attention. I made a mental note, and continued to focus on Emma's tattoo. She was taking the pain reasonably well, necks were tender places for tattoos and to give fair credit she didn't display any signs of buckling. Given the tattoo I was doing was smaller than those Chris and Tyler were doing, that'd take at least two hours each, Emma was finished within 35 minutes. After showing her the completed work, I wrapped up the design, giving her a leaflet we made to tell her all the appropriate precautions she needed to take for the next week or so, and she paid me the £25 it cost. I wished her a good day, and she left, satisfied. I felt our prices were good, £50 for an hour. Although with time that will most likely rise, it was a fair price for inkwork, and all of our customers so far seemed to agree.

That Friday was a good day, steady with the income of customers, and at closing time we'd earned £750 between us, £100 more than the day before. We all felt accomplished, and as Tyler and Chris left at 5:40, and I said goodbye, telling Tyler to call me seeing as we weren't open for the weekend, at least not this one. I myself was preparing to leave when the bell rang, signalling the opening of the door. 'Tyler what is it you've only been gone for five minutes'. 'Actually it's Dan, Phil is that you?' I emerged from the back where I was putting away some final bottles of ink, greeting Dan. 'Hey Dan, what can I help you with on this fine evening'. 'Well, this probably sounds absurd but I was thinking of getting a tattoo?' I stopped mid action. Dan? Get a tattoo? In the short space of time I'd become familiar with this guy, I knew he was certainly not the sort to be pondering on a tattoo. 'A-are you sure? What kind of thing was you thinking of?' He sat down on one of the leather seats, and as did I. 'I'm not really sure..' I stood up again, going to grab the books full of templates. 'Have a look through these, maybe one of them will catch your eye'. After much consideration, he came up with his own idea of a daisy chain around his wrist. 'I saw the idea on tumblr, and well it kind of describes my life, a chain of flowers, because it's flowers that chain my life together' he confessed to me, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. 'Okay then, do you want it now or was it just a passing thought?' He stopped momentarily. 'I guess now, if-if that's okay..' I assured him it was more than fine, going through to one of the chairs, instructing him to sit on it and place his arm across the table next to it.

I grabbed pots of blue, yellow and black ink, he was having the petals filled with a soft eggshell blue, seeing as white wouldn't be so visible in a few years time. 'Ow Phil, why does it hurt so much! Hey stop oh my god!' He was a difficult person to tattoo, leaping forward when I began on the side of his wrist. I stopped the gun, sighing hopelessly. 'I told you it would hurt, for gods sake Dan keep still I'm going to mess this up!' I couldn't help but break into a smile, any signs of frustration dissipating. 'Fine fine, but be careful! It's a sensitive area you know'. I laughed at his response, starting the gun again and continuing to outline the daisies. After an hour of Dan quivering and complaining, his tattoo was finished. As narcissistic as it sounded, I couldn't help but be proud of the design, I'd done a good job. 'So how much do I owe you for it?' I looked at him wide eyed. How could he think he owed me money for it? He was my friend, at least I thought he was, and so it was the least I could do. 'Nothing, I wouldn't charge you at all'. He simply shook his head. 'No I've got to pay you at least something, it's only fair! £30 at least'. I took my turn to shake my head, outright refusing his money. 'Ugh fine, but I will pay you some day, when your least expecting then wow where did that money come from and it'll be me'. He had a coy grin on his face, as he walked out the store and I followed.

The entire walk home was spent with Dan analysing his new tattoo, fascinated by the pattern. 'Why do I have to keep it all wrapped up for so long, it's itchy'. I laughed a little. 'Because if you don't you'll get all infected and they'll take your skin away'. He looked at me horrified, dropping his wrist like hot stones. 'Are you serious I had no idea they were so dangerous oh my god..'  This time I let out a real, genuine laugh. 'Of course not wow gullible much? No but it will get infected otherwise. So keep it on, read the leaflet!' He groaned, telling me how he hated reading. As our walk came to a close, I was offered by Dan into his apartment. 'I mean sure, I guess, if I'm not imposing or anything..' He insisted it was fine, practically dragging me into his apartment complex.

I followed him up the stairs, all the way to the fourth floor. I began to wonder why we didn't just take the lift, but then I never did to my own apartment either so I guess I wasn't one to judge. We arrived at his front door, and he stood infront of me, unlocking the door. I gazed in as the door swung open. That was the night I stayed in dans flat.


Yooooo, bit of flirting there maybe?? ;) ;) you'll just have to find out I guess....

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, if you did be sure to give it a vote or maybe even comment! Ty all for reading <33

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